Page 1053 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1053

Fagor Professional                                                                                               Foodservice | Commercial refrigeration

            700 GN 1/1 Remote

                                                                                                                                   REFERENCE  DESCRIPTION       TEMPERATURE   FREQUENCY   DOOR (D)    DRAWER (H)         €
                                                                                                                                                                                                       1/2 + 1/2
                                                                                                                                   19089558   CCP-2G/R           0ºC  +8 ºC    50/60        2            -               -
            General characteristics                                                                                                19089559   CCP-3G/R           0ºC  +8 ºC    50/60        3            -               -
               - Interior constructed with AISI-304 stainless steel exterior in food grade     - Height-adjustable stainless steel legs. Height of the legs can be adjusted   19089560  CCP-4G/R  0ºC  +8 ºC  50/60  4  -  -
             stainless steel.                                  individually (130 mm - 200 mm) to enable convenient cleaning.       19089576   CCP-2G/R HD        0ºC  +8 ºC    50/60        1            1               -
               - 50 mm thickness, CFC-free, high-density (40 kg/m³) polyurethane     - Stamped edge interiors, easier cleaning operations to reduce potential
             insulation, injected under high pressure.         dirt traps with a built-in drainage to get rid of waste liquid inside units  19089577  CCP-2G/R HH  0ºC  +8 ºC  50/60        -            2               -
               - Heavy-duty stainless-steel working top with 100mm high splash-back,     - Removable and height adjustable epoxy coated GN 1/1 grids with   19089578  CCP-3G/R HDD  0ºC  +8 ºC  50/60  2  1              -
             preventing spillage behind the counter.           a maximum loading capacity of up to 40 kg.                          19089579   CCP-3G/R HHD       0ºC  +8 ºC    50/60        1            2               -
               - Intuitive, digital display for electronic control with energy saving function     - Equipment with 1 GN 1/1 grids and height adjustable 2 sets of tray   19089580  CCP-3G/R HHH  0ºC  +8 ºC  50/60  -  3  -
             to ensure an optimal control of storing products.  slides per each full door.
               - Equipment without unit condenser, ready for remote cooling unit     - Electrical power supply: 220V-240V 1N       19089581   CCP-4G/R HDDD      0ºC  +8 ºC    50/60        3            1               -
             conection.                                                                                                            19089582   CCP-4G/R HHDD      0ºC  +8 ºC    50/60        2            2               -
                                                                                                                                   19089583   CCP-4G/R HHHD      0ºC  +8 ºC    50/60        1            3               -
                                                                                                                                   19089584   CCP-4G/R HHHH      0ºC  +8 ºC    50/60        -            4               -
                                                                                                                                   19089565   CCN-2G/R          -18ºC / -22ºC  50/60        2            -               -
                                                                                                                                   19089566   CCN-3G/R          -18ºC / -22ºC  50/60        3            -               -
            Technical data

                                              19089558      19089559      19089560     19089565      19089566
                                              CCP-2G/R      CCP-3G/R     CCP-4G/R      CCN-2G/R     CCN-3G/R
             Energy Efficiency                  -             -             -            -             -                                                                       CCP-2G/R   CCP-3G/R    CCP-4G/R   CCN-2G/R   CCN-3G/R
             Annual Consumption (kWh) (1)       -             -             -            -             -                           Panoramic Opening      PO                     O          O          O           O          O
             Gas Type                           (6)          (6)           (6)           (6)          (6)
             Cooling Power (kW)               0,361 (1)    0,361 (1)     0,436 (1)     0,364 (2)    0,364 (2)                      No Top                 NT                     O          O          O           O          O
             Defrost                           STOP         STOP          STOP        ELECTRIC      ELECTRIC                       No Splash-back         NS                     O          O          O           O          O
             Electric power (kW)               0,029        0,029         0,029         0,064        0,073
             Gross Volume (L)                  274           428           581          274           428                          1/2 + 1/2 Drawer       H                      O          O          O           -          -
             Lenght (mm)                       1042          1492         1942          1042         1492
             Depth (mm)                        700           700           700          700           700
             Height (mm)                       850           850           850          850           850                          1/3 + 1/3 +1/3 Drawer  T_1_3                  O          O          O           -          -
                                                    (1) Evap. -10°C/ Cond. 55°C   (2) Evap. -25°C/ Cond. 55°C   (6) Consult the manufacturer
                                                                                                                                   2/3 + 1/3 Drawer       W                      O          O          O           -          -
            Standard Accessories
                                                                                                                                   UK Plug (G Type)       CI                     O          O          O           O          O
                                                              2G      3G       4G
                                                                                                                                   Lock                   LC                     O          O          O           O          O
                      19097778  GN 1/1 EPOXY GRID    pc       2        3       4                                                   Granite Top            GR                     O          O          O           O          O
                                                                                                                                   Back in Stainless Steel   BS                  O          O          O           O          O
                                TRAY SUPPORT GUIDES
                      19014778                       pc       4        6       8                                                   Frame Heater           FH                     O          O          O          •           •

                                                           295                                                                                                                    296
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