Page 1062 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1062

Fagor Professional                                                                                               Foodservice | Commercial refrigeration


           Wide range

           Complete range of refrigerated preparation counters, constructed in 700 and 800mm
           depth with diverse worktop configurations (Stainless Steel, Granit, Polypropilene etc…).

            Multiflow                                         ECO                                                                 Electronic control                              Telescopic
                                                              function                                                            Easy to use                                     sliding drawers
            Optimal air circulation system that guarantees    Function that optimizes the performance by                          Functional and intuitive electronic control with   Stainless steel drawers with perforated bottom
            a balanced and constant distribution              automatically setting temperatures, when doors                      capacitive keyboard that allows direct access to   plates and telescopic sliding guides, capable
            throughout the equipment, so that                 are not opened so that the cooling unit works                       main functions                                  of complete retraction, to economize working
            the temperature remains uniform. It helps         only when needed and always, efficiently.                                                                           surface.
            preserve food for longer.

            Integrated                                        Removable                                                           Maximum                                         Guide and
            handles                                           door gasket                                                         stability                                       zippers system

            Stainless steel doors with ergonomic,             Removable triple camera pull-out/push-in                            Height-adjustable stainless steel legs as       Removable Stainless steel rack and guide
            full-length, robust, perfectly integrated handle.   magnetic door gasket to keep maximum                              standard. Height of the legs can be adjusted    system without use of tools which allows
            that ensures practical opening of the drawers     hygiene and maintain the insulating properties.                     individually. In addition, there is also the option   a proper distribution of products.
            and avoids dust and dirt collection.                                                                                  to choose swivel wheels or legs for marine.

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