Page 359 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 359

Pastry & Ice Cream Range



        Angelo Po’s proposal for pastry and   Thanks to the advanced control   space exploitation, becoming also great
        ice cream world is dedicated to those   systems, the user can manage the   worktops.
        who choose to offer their clients   various fermentation stages by adjusting
        craft products of the highest quality,   temperature, time, and relative humidity   The AGL6HC ice-cream freezer
        always perfect, and capable of giving   settings: using appropriate adjustments,   guarantees a perfect, creamy, richly
        moments of sweetness and pleasure.   the proving process can be blocked,   flavoured ice-cream every time thanks
        Refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated   slowed down and even reactivated.  to the ventilated cooling system with
        counters, retarder provers and ice-cream                              thermostatic valve, with air circulation
        freezer of the most different dimensions   Pastry refrigerators for EN 60x40 cm   not directly striking the product, ducted
        and functionalities ensure the best   and/or EN 60x80 cm trays represent   to all shelves for uniform temperature
        quality thanks to the most advanced   the best choice: thanks to the most   throughout the chamber.
        conservation technologies and the use of   advanced, reliable, and high-performing
        robust and reliable materials.     conservation technologies, they are   Pastry refrigerators and ice cream
                                           indispensable instruments in any   freezer: connectivity to APO.LINK
        Retarder provers for EN 60x40 cm and/  laboratory.                    portal, for remote control of appliance,
        or EN 60x80 cm trays ensure an optimal                                via accessory. Contact us for more
        time management and a complete     Robust and reliable, the refrigerated   information about how to access
        rationalization of the production   counters for EN 60x40 cm trays are   Industry 4.0 tax breaks for the Italian
        process, while guaranteeing maximum   an indispensable instrument for any   market and availability of the
        product quality, always repeatable and   laboratory: they ensure the perfect   APO.LINK portal for all other countries.
        customizable.                      conservation of food and allow an ideal

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