Page 371 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 371

Upright refrigerated display units




        Each versions of the Empire refrigerated   The elegant dimensions and slender   Empire display units work their magic,
        vertical display units - Classic, New Style   structure with integral “invisible” handle   multiplying the value of the products
        and Double - have a unique, elegant style   multiply display space and optimise   displayed in order to increase their sales
        that fits attractively into any context.   visibility from the first to the last shelf.   and meeting the needs of businesses
                                                                              that wish not only to put foods on show
        Exquisite in every detail, they are ideal   The LED lighting creates a luminous,   but also to engage with customers and
        for displaying pastries and ice-cream   inviting interior. What’s more, the Empire   stimulate their interest.
        products, for restaurants and new   New Style versions have lighting options
        catering outlets.                  to match the mood of the location: from   For Empire New Style, connection to
                                           warmer effects for intimate ambiences to   APO.LINK portal, for remote control of
        The display compartment in tempered   an icy tone for more modern interiors.   appliance via accessory.
        glass throughout, with innovative shelf                               Contact us for more information about
        support system, increases visibility from   In their various sizes and colours, from   how to access Industry 4.0 tax breaks for
        any angle.                         the grey of the Classic and Double   the Italian market and availability of the
                                           version to the coloured New Style   APO.LINK portal for all other countries.
                                           models in White, Black or Sablé,

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