Page 708 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 708


         V4     4-Shelf Vented Stationary                      V5     5-Shelf Vented Stationary
                Starter and Add-On Units
                                                                      Starter and Add-On Units

                   HEIGHTS       DEPTHS       LENGTHS                   HEIGHTS       DEPTHS       LENGTHS
                      3            4             7                         3             4            7

                    1630 mm     *360 mm    765 mm  1375 mm               1630 mm      *360 mm   765 mm  1375 mm
                    1830         460       915    1525                   1830          460      915    1525
                    2140         540      1070    1830                   2140          540     1070   **1830
                                 610      1220                                         610     1220

          S4     4-Shelf Solid Stationary                      S5     5-Shelf Solid Stationary
                                                                      Starter and Add-On Units
                 Starter and Add-On Units

                   HEIGHTS       DEPTHS       LENGTHS                    HEIGHT       DEPTHS       LENGTHS
                      3            4             7                         1             3            6

                    1630 mm     *360 mm    765 mm  1375 mm               2140 mm      460 mm    765 mm  1220 mm
                    1830         460       915    1525                                540       915     1375
                    2140         540      1070    1830                                610      1070     1525
                                 610      1220

      VS4       4-Shelf Vented and Solid                    VS5      5-Shelf Vented and Solid
                Stationary Starter and
                                                                     Stationary Starter and
                Add-On Units (3 vented + 1 solid)                    Add-On Units (4 vented + 1 solid)

                   HEIGHTS       DEPTHS       LENGTHS                    HEIGHT       DEPTHS       LENGTHS
                      3            4             7                         1             3            6

                    1630 mm     *360 mm    765 mm  1375 mm               2140 mm      460 mm    765 mm  1220 mm
                    1830         460       915    1525                                540       915     1375
                    2140         540      1070    1830                                610      1070     1525
                                 610      1220

                                                                     *360 mm only available in: H 1630, 1830 / L 765, 915, 1070, 1220 mm.
                                                                     **1830 mm only available in: H 1630, 1830 / D 460, 540, 610 mm.
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