Page 759 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 759


            •   An economical choice for    Color: Translucent (190).
              storing food.
                                      Graduation marks and capacities
            •  Translucent polypropylene   are approximate.                                    GN 1/2
              material provides content visibility   Translucent food pans are made of FDA
              and high chemical resistance.  approved materials.
                                                                                                      GN 1/4
            •   Withstands temperature ranges   Translucent food pans interstack with
                                      other Cambro food pans.                                                 GN 1/6
              from -40˚ to 70˚C.
            •   Meets Gastronorm GN food pan   Translucent pans are not designed for
                                      steam table use.
              specifications EN-631-1.
            •   Non-stick smooth interior surface
              promotes easy cleaning.
                                                                         GN 1/1

                                                                                       GN 1/3

            Ideal for transporting in Cambro top   Seal covers protect food quality while   Uniform 1,27 cm flange width ensures the   Use Cambro StoreSafe  food rotation
            loading carriers. (UPC100, UPCS140,   eliminating the expense of plastic wrap.   right fit in prep tables and food bars.   labels on translucent food pans to
            100MPC, UPC140, UPCS160, 240MPC,                                                manage inventory and reduce waste.
            UPC160, EPP160SW, EPP180SW,
            EPP260SW, EPP280SW)


            •   Rinse, drain and store all in   Color: Translucent (190).
             one pan.                 Translucent colander pans are made of
            •   Liquids drain easily into the food   FDA approved materials.
             pan below for enhanced food   Translucent pans are not designed for
             quality and reduced handling.   steam table use.
            •   Translucent Cover w/Handle and
             Notched Cover with Handle fit on
             pans with colanders.                                              PAN          COLANDER     POLYPROPYLENE
                                                                 CONFIGURATIONS  CODE       DEPTH        PAN DEPTH*
            •   Drain hole diameter is
                                                                 GN 1/3        33CLRPP      7,6 cm       10 cm
             approximately 6 mm.                                 17,6 x 32,5 cm  35CLRPP    12,7         15
                                                                 GN 1/6        63CLRPP      7,6          10
                                                                 16,2 x 17,6 cm
                                                                               65CLRPP      12,7         15
                                                                               Case Pack for all Pans: 6  *Fits this pan depth & deeper.
                                                                               Lids listed on following page.
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