Page 827 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 827


            •   For cafeteria-style feeding in high   Camwear 6-Compartment Colors:   SPECIFICATIONS
              security environments.   Navy (186), Cranberry (416), Yellow (145),
                                      Sherwood Green (119), Beige (133),    Material        Fiberglass layers + polyester resin
            •  Compartment configurations   Black (110).
              designed to meet all menu   5-Compartment Color: Beige (133).  Surface Characteristic  Smooth
                                      Co-Polymer Color: Tan (161).  Performance             Excellent
                                      14105CP is not NSF Listed.  Stacking Lugs             Yes
            •   Trapezoid Compartment Trays                      Dishwasher Safe            Yes – Extensive
              space saving for self serve   Trapezoid Compartment Trays are covered
                                      by the following U.S. Patent D 508,634.  Chemical Resistance  Good
              correctional facility feeding.
                                                                 Drying Test                Excellent
                                                                 Shock Resistance           Excellent
                                                                 Break Resistance           Good
                                                                 Scratch Resistance         Good
            Camwear                                              Stain Resistance           Excellent
                                                                 Heat Resistance            -10˚ to +100˚C‡
                                                                                            ‡Not for use in heated carts.
                                                                 RECOMMENDED USE
                                                                                            Colors: Yellow (145)**, Blue (142),
                                                                  Moderate Traffic /
                                               NT9CP Co-Polymer Cup:                        Green (140), White (148), Black (110).
                                               For details contact your   Economic Priority
                                               Cambro representative.                       *Special order item not carried in stock
                                                                  – Deli / Buffet Displays  – non-returnable.
                                                                                            **NSF listed for non-direct food
                                                                                            contact only.

                                                                     830MT  6302MT                      PRORATED


                                                                    8302MT               630MT
             127,2 mL 127,2 mL                                           1030MT
                             275 mL     183,4 mL 183,4 mL  150,8 mL

                 523,5 mL    275 mL      227,7 mL  357,8 mL
                                                                                      DIMENSIONS                 CASE
                                                                 CODE                 W x L x D                  PACK
            10145CW                     10146CW                  Market Trays
                                                                 630MT*               16,4 x 76,2 x 1,9 cm       12
                                                                 826MT*               21,6 x 64,1 x 1,9          12
                           189,3 mL  189,3 mL  189,3 mL          830MT*               21,4 x 76,2 x 1,9          12
                                                                 913MT*               22 x 31,6 x 2,1            12
                                                                 918MT*               22 x 45,7 x 2,1            12
                           248,4 mL   609,2 mL                   926MT*               22,5 x 64,9 x 2,5          12
                                                                 1015MT*              25,7 x 38,1 x 1,9          24
                                                                 1030MT*              26,5 x 76,2 x 1,9          12
                          14105CW / 14105CP
                                                                 1218MT*              29,2 x 45,1 x 2,5          12
                                                                 1224MT*              31,6 x 61 x 1,9            12
                                                                 1230MT*              31,6 x 76,2 x 1,9          12
                                                                 1318MT*              32,1 x 45,1 x 2,7          12
                                            DIMENSIONS     CASE
            CODE       DESCRIPTION          W x L x D      PACK  1826MT*              45,2 x 65,2 x 2,7          6
            Camwear                                              2025MT*              52,7 x 64,9 x 2,1          6
            10146CW    6 compartments       25,4 x 36,8 x 2,4  24  Market Pans
            14105CW    5 compartments       27,2 x 35,2 x 2,9  24  6302MT*            16,7 x 76,2 x 5,1          12
            10145CW    5 compartments       25,4 x 36,8 x 2,4  24  8262MT*            21,5 x 64,1 x 5,1          12
            Co-Polymer - BPA FREE                                8302MT*              21,4 x 76,2 x 5,1          12
            14105CP    5 compartments       27,2 x 35,2 x 2,9  24  92615MT*           22,5 x 64,8 x 3,8          12
                                                                 10302MT*             26,5 x 76,2 x 5,1          12
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