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             Cambro  Warranty                                                             Photo credits:
             Cambro offers a 5-year pro-rated warranty against damage or manufacturer’s defects found in excess to normal   Cambro products help foodservice operators
             wear and tear on our Camtrays , Camtread  trays and Dinnerware. Commercial Electrical Equipment models   throughout the world. To represent our global
             hold a 1-year warranty. Non-Skid Versa Camtrays, Tongs, Camwear  Food Storage Pans, all high heat material   presence, images of Cambro products in use
             products, Squares, Rounds and Lids have a 2-year pro-rated warranty. All Camshelving  Series have a 1-year   have been taken on locations throughout
             warranty on workmanship and a lifetime limited warranty against rust and corrosion, excluding mobile posts. For   southern California, USA; in Cancun, Mexico;
             all other Cambro products, Cambro warrants to the original buyer a 3-year pro-rated warranty unless otherwise   on the island of Rugen, Germany; and in the
             noted. If product proves defective during this time, Cambro grants a pro-rated credit of the original price toward   city of Huizhou, China.
             replacement product. The warranty applies on all Cambro products only when used under normal foodservice   In particular, special thanks to the staffs of
             industry conditions.                                                         the Ambience Hotel, Rugen; Jin Hua Palace
             Note: Temperature ranges noted throughout this catalog are based on specific test criteria and provide a general   Hotel, Huizhou; Southern California Gas
             guideline. Individual use may vary due to differences in loading temperatures or ambient temperature.  Company, Downey; Orange Coast College,
                                                                                          Santa Ana and California Hospital, Los Angeles
             Product Accessories: Contents and accessories shown in photos are not included, except where noted.
                                                                                          for their assistance in our photo shoots.

                                    CAMBRO U.S.A.                C.E.L.            CAMBRO UK
                                    5801 Skylab Road, Huntington Beach, CA 92647  TEL: (49) 7022 90 100 0  TEL: 0800 587 0057 Toll Free
                                    P.O. Box 2000, Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2000  FAX: (49) 7022 90100 19  FAX: 0845 280 3411
                                    TEL: 1(714) 848-1555  FAX: 1(714) 843-2630  Cambro is a proud recipient of
                                                                      the U.S. President’s E-Award
                                                                                   IRELAND              for Excellence in Exporting.
                                    © Copyright Cambro Manufacturing Company. Printed in the U.S.A.  TEL: 1800 509 046 Toll Free
                                                                                   FAX: 01 633 55 76
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