Page 1013 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1013

Fagor Professional                                                                                                       Dishwashing

            Pack for compact drag dishwashers                                                                                      Rack conveyor | Modular dishwashers

                                    AS-260             CCO-                    CDT-600

                                                                                                                                   - All the main parts are manufactured in       - Configurable electronic temperature       - Triple-effect pre-rinse and double-effect
                                                                                                                                     AISI-304 anti-corrosion stainless steel:         control:          rinse in model 320.
                                                                                                                                     tanks, washing and rinsing arms,          - Wash (50 - 65 °C)    - Energy-saving system: reduces
                                                                                                                                     rinsing jets, doors, basket conveyance          - Rinse (70 - 85 °C)    consumption by halting operation
                                                                                                                                     system, boiler and metal tubes.  - Guarantor of rinse at 85 °C.    of the pumps, and by passing the heating of
                                                                                                                                   - Upwards-opening double panel door.  - Pressure regulator for flow control.    the rinse to stand-by mode (70 °C).
                                                                                                                                   - Tank tray filters made of AISI-304 stainless    - Emergency stop button incorporated.  - Auto-timer which deactivates the conveyor
               CCO-120 PACK L CW                                                                                                     steel, easy to access and remove for       - Extra anti-entrapment protection system        motor after a pre-set period of inactivity (10
                                                                                                                                     cleaning and access to the tank.
                                                                                                                                   - Safety filter for pump suction.    at the entrance, mounted on the AS-260      - Energy saving system in the wash: the
                                                                   Model      Code                                                                                    splash guard supplement, as standard.
                                                                                                                                   - Rinsing boiler with heat insulation.                               wash does not start up until it
                                                       Dishwasher  CCO-120 L CW  19045325                                          - Easy access for installation. Electrovalve     - Open door blocking system.    detects the passage of the basket.
                                                                                                                                                                    - IPX4 protection system.
                                                       Anti-salp.  AS-260     19048568  CCO-120 PACK L CW  19068300                  located on one side (no need to remove      - System for detection of blockage of       - Rinse saving system. The rinse stops which
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the basket has left, saving water and

                                                                                                                                     panels to connect the machine).
                                                       Drying tunnel  CDT-600   19046516                                           - Electrical panel designed for easy         conveyor carriage and automatic reverse       energy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      - Limit switch included.
                                                       Dishwasher  CCO-120 R CW  19046527                                            connection of dosers for liquid and       - Prewash module with 3 upper and 3 lower
                                                                                                                                     solid detergents, rinse aid, limit switches,
                                                       Anti-salp.  AS-260     19048568  CCO-120 PACK R CW  19068304                  supplementary emergency stop button.    washing branches.        Equipment included:
                                                                                                                                   - Washing arms easily removable as a set,      - High-power washing system with 5 upper     - 2 base baskets, CT-10
                                                       Drying tunnel  CDT-600   19046516                                             for cleaning, with a plug on each branch        and 5 lower washing branches.  - 2 baskets for plates CP-16/18
                                                       Dishwasher  CCO-160 L CW  19048231                                            providing access for cleaning inside.  - 3 washing programs: intensive (DIN10534),    - 1 basket for glasses CV-16/105
                                                                                                                                   - Rinse jets easily dismountable and         medium and high-capacity.
                                                       Anti-salp.  AS-260     19048568  CCO-160 PACK L CW  19068305                  removable.                     - Pre-rinse and rinse, both double effect, in     - 1 basket for cutlery CT-10 R
                                                       Drying tunnel  CDT-600   19046516                                           - System of electronic regulation of speeds      models 180, 225 and 270.
                                                                                                                                     by means of frequency shifter.
                                                       Dishwasher  CCO-160 R CW  19048254
                                                                                                                                                                   PROGRAMS (BASKETS/H)
                                                       Anti-salp.  AS-260     19048568  CCO-160 PACK R CW  19068306                 MODEL     HZ  CODE  ENTRANCE WATER  INTENSIF MEDIUM  HIGH-  CONSUMPTION  CONSUMPTION   ELECTRICAL   DIMENSIONS  €
                                                       Drying tunnel  CDT-600   19046516                                                                  (*)  SUPPLY  (DIN-10534)  CAPACITY   (**)  (L/H)  (KW)
                                                                                                                                   CCO-180-L-HW  50 19048582  L
                                                      Note: the packs are not equipped for the installation of introductors of baskets in corner or automatized   >50º  90  135  180               210    25.7  1,750 x 790 x 1,550  -
                                                      unloading curves.                                                            CCO-180-R-HW 50 19048587  R
                                                                                                                                                                                   AS-260 + LP + DA
                                                                                                                                   CCO-180-L-CW  50 19047209  L
                                                                                                                                                              <50º  90  135  180                   210    34.7  1,750 x 790 x 1,550  -
             MODEL             CODE  ENTRANCE    HZ (1)  PRODUCTION   WATER     POWER     DIMENSIONS    €
                                                                                                                                   CCO-180-R-CW 50 19047164  R                     AS-260 + LP + DA
                                                    Speed   No.  Baskets/h  Lit/ cicle  MÁX (kW)  (mm)
                                                                                                                                   CCO-225-L-HW  50 19048595  L
             CCO-120 PACK L CW  19068300  LEFT    50   3      120      210      38,00   2.040x790x1.930  -
                                                                                                                                                              >50º  125  175  225                  210    35.9  2,360 x 790 x 1,550  -
             CCO-120 PACK R CW  19068304  RIGHT  50    3      120      210      38,00   2.040x790x1.930  -                         CCO-225-R-HW 50 19048212  R
             CCO-160 PACK L CW  19068305  LEFT  50     3      160      240      41,00   2.040x790x1.930  -                                                                        AS-260 + PL3+LP+DA
                                                                                                                                   CCO-225-L-CW  50 19048119  L
             CCO-160 PACK R CW  19068306  RIGHT  50    3      160      240      41,00   2.040x790x1.930  -
                                                                                                                                                              <50º  125  175  225                  210    44.9  2,360 x 790 x 1,550  -
            (1):  Consult other possible factory versions.                                                                         CCO-225-R-CW 50 19048120  R
                                                                                                                                                                                  AS-260 + PL3+LP+DA
                                                                                                                                   Consult other possible factory versions.                       AS-260: Anti-splash guard supplement
                                                                                                                                   (*)  Entry of baskets:                                         PL3: Cold water prewash
                                                                                                                                   L:   Entrance from the Left of the machine.
                                                                                                                                   R:   Entrance from the Right of the machine.                   PL5: First Wash with cold water
                                                                                                                                   (**) COMPOSITION OF MODULES                                    L5: First wash with hot water
                                                           215                                                                        The diagrams and composition indicated always refer to the left-entry version.  216      LP: Main wash
                                                                                                                                                                                                  DA: Double-effect rinse and pre-rinse
                                                                                                                                                                                                  TA: Double-effect rinse and triple-effect pre-rinse
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