Page 1017 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1017

Fagor Professional                                                                                                       Dishwashing

            Delivery / sorting tables                                                                                              Pre-rinsing table with introductor of baskets in corner

            MFDP-1800 LM-L                                    General characteristics                                               MCFD-1000 R                                        General characteristics

                                                              - Manufactured for the compact and modular conveyor dishwashers:                                                         - Rear guard 200 mm. Built in sink and shower tap.
                                                              - Rear guard in all the models.                                                                                          - Length of the sink side: 1,400 mm - Depth: 700 mm.
                                                              - Waste disposal.                                                                                                        - Element to introduce the baskets with the movement of  the
                                                              - Space for the trash bin.                                                                                                 avancement system of the conveyor.
                                                              - Tables with sink built-in shower tap.                                                                                  - Length of the introductor side: 950 mm - Depth: 800 mm.
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Ask the manufacturer to adapt the machine to install the table.

                                                                                                                                     MODEL                        CODE           ENTRY        EQUIPMENT    DIMENSIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                  (*)         FEATURES      (mm)

                                                                                                                                     MCFD-1000 R                19006350           R         - Rear guard
                                                                                                                                                                                             - Sink      1.400x950x900
                                                                                                                                                                                             - Shower tap
                                                                                                                                     MCFD-1000 L                19006351           L         - Introductor
             MLH-1200 LM-R    MLP-1200 LM-R  MFDH-1200 LM-R    MFDP-1500 LM-R    MFDH-1800 LM-R   MFDP-1800 LM-R
                                                                                                                                                 (*) Entrance of the baskets:
                                                                                                                                      R     L
             MODEL                           CODE          ENTRY    HOUSING  CHARACTERISTICS  DIMENSIONS  €                                      L: Entry from the left side of the machine.
                                                            (*)     FOR BIN                  (mm)                                                R: Entrance from the right side of the machine.
             MLH-1200 LM-R                 19006100         R
                                                                    OPEN   - Lower rack  1.200x800x900  -                          Introductors of baskets in corner
             MLH-1200 LM-L                 19006101         L

             MLP-1200 LM-R                 19006102         R
                                                                    DOOR   - Lower rack  1.200x800x900  -                                                                              General characteristics
             MLP-1200 LM-L                 19006103         L                                                                      E-90-R-CV
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Element to introduce the baskets in the machine.
             MFDH-1200 LM-R                19006106         R              - Sink                                                                                                      - Movement by the avancement system of the conveyor.
                                                                    OPEN   - Shower tap  1.200x800x900  -
             MFDH-1200 LM-L                19006107         L              - Lower rack                                                                                                - Rear guard 250 mm.
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Lower shelf.
             MFDP-1200 LM-R                19006108         R              - Sink                                                                                                      - Ask the manufacturer to adapt the machine to install the
                                                                    DOOR   - Shower tap  1.200x800x900  -                                                                                introductor.
             MFDP-1200 LM-L                19006109         L              - Lower rack
                                                                                                                                                                                                     (*) Entrance of the baskets:
             MFDH-1500 LM-R                19006408         R              - Sink                                                                                                         R     L    L: Entry from the left side of the machine.
                                                                    OPEN   - Shower tap  1.500x800x900  -                                                                                            R: Entrance from the right side of the machine.
             MFDH-1500 LM-L                19006407         L              - Lower rack
                                                                                                                                     MODEL                  CODE    DESCRIPTION                                 DIMENSIONS    €
             MFDP-1500 LM-R                19006409         R              - Sink
                                                                    DOOR   - Shower tap  1.500x800x900  -                                                           INTRODUCTOR OF BASKETS BY THE LEFT SIDE
             MFDP-1500 LM-L                19006406         L              - Lower rack                                              E-90-L               19004789  For rack conveyors WITH entry splash-guard (AS-260).  800x700x850   -

             MFDH-1800 LM-R                19006506         R              - Sink                                                    E-90-L-CV            19004792  INTRODUCTOR OF BASKETS BY THE LEFT SIDE    800x700x850    -
                                                                    OPEN   - Shower tap  1.800x800x900  -                                                           For rack conveyors WITHOUT entry splash-guard (AS-260).
                                                                           - Lower rack
             MFDH-1800 LM-L                19006507         L              - Guides for baskets
                                                                                                                                     E-90-R               19004790  INTRODUCTOR OF BASKETS BY THE RIGHT SIDE   800x700x850    -
                                                                                                                                                                    For rack conveyors WITH entry splash-guard (AS-260).
             MFDP-1800 LM-R                19006508         R              - Sink
                                                                           - Shower tap
                                                                    DOOR                  1.800x800x900  -                                                          INTRODUCTOR OF BASKETS BY THE RIGHT SIDE
                                                                           - Lower rack                                              E-90-R-CV            19004791  For rack conveyors WITHOUT entry splash-guard (AS-260).  800x700x850   -
             MFDP-1800 LM-L                19006505         L              - Guides for baskets
                                                                                                                                     -                    19003534  Basket introductor mechanism to install on a custom made   -  -
                           (*) Entrance of the baskets:
               R     L
                           L: Entry from the left side of the machine.
                           R: Entrance from the right side of the machine.
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