Page 1070 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1070

Fagor Professional                                                                                               Foodservice | Commercial refrigeration
            Blast chillers

            Why use a blast chiller?

            1. Hygiene and safety                             4. Quality                                                          Blast chilling                                     Blast freezing
                                                                                                                                  SOFT CYCLE (STANDARD) - 90‘                        SOFT CYCLE (STANDARD) - 240‘
            All fresh organic food products contain a natural bacterial load which,     The rapid reduction in temperature makes it possible to conserve   The right cycle for small size, light, fine food.  This is a cycle to freeze food with an even temperature and is
            in  favourable  ambient  conditions  (temperature  and  humidity),   food moisture content and prevent normal bacterial proliferation.                                   therefore suitable for food that is to be cooled consistently
            multiplies producing hazardous effects on consumer health.  Fast freezing encourages the formation of intercellular microcrystals   STRONG CYCLE (INTENSIVE) - 90‘       and without sharp temperature changes or when cooked with different
                                                                                                                                  Recommended for high density or large size food, as well as
            Between  +65°C and +3°C:  in this  temperature range, bacterial   (figure 2), which maintain the compactability, flavour and freshness   for packed food.
            multiplication is accelerated exponentially.      characteristics of foods over time.                                                                                    STRONG CYCLE (INTENSIVE) - 240‘
            Blast chilling means lowering the temperature of the product from   Asber blast chillers are also exceptional at preserving fresh and raw                                This is the ideal cycle to freeze half cooked food or semi-prepared
            +90°C to +3°C in less than 90 minutes Passing through the critical   foods,  such  as  fish,  crustaceans,  vegetables,  bread  and  partially-                          dishes. It is also suitable for raw food. It allows you to keep frozen
            temperature range between so fast where effects of harmful bacteria   finished products such as fresh pasta and sauces.                                                  food for a long time.
            are disabled.
            Blast  chilling  cooked  product  not  only  prevents  bacterial   5. Applications                                     QUICK CHILL                                        QUICK FREEZE
            proliferation but also prolongs product conservation time, avoiding                                                    +90 ºC / +3 ºC in less than 90 min.                From +90 ºC to -18 ºC in less than 240 min.
            loss of flavor and aroma.                         This kitchen work streamlining system is highly advantageous         +90 ºC                                             +90 ºC
            The quality of the food is not affected, enlarging product storing   for all types of catering and especially for canteens, hospitals   FAGOR BLAST   NO BLAST                      BLAST         NO BLAST
            time.                                             and restaurants, as well as for special occasions such as large      +65 ºC                                                       FAGOR
            2. Work streamlining                              It also allows to all kind of restaurants and catering business to                                                       0 ºC
                                                              offer their well-presented dishes which are ready to eat.           COOKED FOOD TEMPERATURE  +37 ºC  BACTERIA FIRST APPEARANCE  COOKED FOOD TEMPERATURE  -5 ºC
            Blast  chillers  allow  a  large  quantity  of  product  to  be  prepared                                                                        HIGH RISK TEMPERATURE
            and, once blast chilled, it can be consumed within a period of 5-7   6. Other advantages                                                            The number of bacteria    MICROCRYSTALS          MACROCRYSTALS
            day, while frozen product duration can extend to several months,                                                       +10 ºC                      doubles every 20 minutes   Non-damaged            Damaged membranes
            maintaining organoleptic condition of the food.   Blast chillers optimize stock management by:                                                                                membranes
            The  preservation  of  product  quality,  allows  advance  planning     •  Reductions  in  lost  weight  due  to  the  natural  evaporation     +3 ºC                     -18 ºC
            of kitchen work, improving raw ingredients purchase, as well as     of moisture from cooked food                                    90 min                   TIME                                                  TIME
            work load with advantages in terms of hygiene and menu variety.  •  Planned  food  purchases,  thereby  improving  kitchen  stock                                                        240 min
            3. Time savings                                   •  Organization  of  storage  capacities  and  work  load,  adjusting
                                                                capable personal attention
            The advance preparation of foods and blast chilling of them allows   •  Drastic reductions in waste and unused food                                                Blast chilling
            kitchens to offer a more delicious and varied menu when required.                                                                                                  No bacterial proliferation nor loss
            The  chef  does  not  have  to  constantly  oversee  the  process                                                                                                  of moisture, preserving color,
            of preparing several dishes.                                                                                                                                       texture and flavor.
            The simple operation of reheating the food allows a wide range
            of dishes to be served within a short period of time.                                                                                                              Without blast chilling
            Blast chillers increase production capacity, thereby reducing staff                                                                                                Product loses freshness and
            costs and providing outstanding advantages in terms of profitability                                                                                               color
            and time.

                           Bacterial Activity
                                               + 120º C
                                                                                                                                                                        Fast freezing
                              Destruction of                                                                                                                            Ideal cycle to freeze half
                              bacterial flora                                                                                                                           cooked food, as well as raw
                                                                                                                                                                        food, microcrystal forming
                                               + 70º C
                                                            No Blast Chilling                                                                                           during process, preserving
                                                                                                                                                                        food membrane structure.
                              Multiplication of
                              bacterial flora
                                               + 3º C                                                                                                                   Without fast freezing
                                               0º C                      With Blast Chilling                                                                            Macro crystal forming
                              Interruption of
                              bacterial activity  - 18º C                                                                                                               damages membranes losing
                                                                                                                                                                        fluids, thus color and flavor

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