Page 1152 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1152
Fagor Professional Foodservice | Static preparation
Coffee back bar counters Single cocktail stations
- Specially designed to place a that absorbs noise when using. Table with ice well
coffee machine. Ideal for - Back in stainless steel, partially - Worktop made from AISI-304 at the rear, as lower part element
coffee shops, bars or open for coffee machine
restaurants. installation. 18/10 stainless steel with satin reinforcement. There is the
possibility of placing
- To be complemented with back - Worktop made from AISI-304 the crossbar in a central
and refrigerated counters, to 18/10 stainless steel with - Well with thermal insulation and
set up a bar line adapted to satin finish and reinforced with built-in drain. position.
each space and need. profiles. - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm, - Model with shelf: shelf made
- Removable drawers with - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm, 50 mm front edge with welded from stainless steel with satin
telescopic sliding guides. 50 mm front edge with welded corners. finish and reinforcements in
- Waste hopper to collect coffee corners. - Square section stainless steel profile. Shelf assembly done by
grounds, with a rubber stopper legs 40 x 40 mm. fixing four (4) screws.
TFS1-615 WH See options - Supplied assembled. - 900 mm height with stainless
- Rear legs set back 40 mm for steel height-adjustable feet
floors with sanitary radius. (-10 mm / + 50 mm).
DIMENSIONS (mm) HOPPER MODEL NO HOLE ON MODEL MODEL See options - Model with reinforcement
WORKTOP WORKTOP frame: three (3) crossbars, two
CKS1-12 BR1
(2) at the sides and one (1)
1000x600x1050 Right TFS1-610 R 19094266 - TFS1-610 R WH 19094267 - TFS1-610 R SE 19094268 -
1000x600x1050 Left TFS1-610 L 19094269 - TFS1-610 L WH 19094270 - TFS1-610 L SE 19094271 -
1500x600x1050 Center TFS1-615 19094272 - TFS1-615 WH 19094273 - TFS1-615 SE 19094274 -
2000x600x1050 Center TFS1-620 19094275 - TFS1-620 WH 19094276 - TFS1-620 SE 19094277 -
2500x600x1050 Center TFS1-625 19094278 - TFS1-625 WH 19094279 - TFS1-625 SE 19094280 -
CKLR-12 BR1 19094866 1200x610x900 Reinforcement frame Single No -
Back bar counters Option customization in CKS1-12 BR1 19094867 1200x610x900 With shelf Single No -
Table with ice well and sink
- Specially designed to store - Worktop made from AISI-304 - Worktop made from AISI-304 18/10 and one (1) at the rear, as lower part
small machinery, kitchenware, 18/10 stainless steel with satin stainless steel with satin finish. element reinforcement. There is the
bar accessories, etc. Ideal for finish and reinforced - Well with thermal insulation and built-in possibility of placing the crossbar in a
coffee shops, bars or with profiles. drain. central position.
restaurants. - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm, - 275x250x150 mm sink with built-in - Model with shelf: shelf made from
- To be complemented with coffee 50 mm front edge with welded drain. stainless steel with satin finish
and refrigerated back counters, corners. - Single lever mixer faucet included. and reinforcements in profile. Shelf
to set up a bar line adapted to - Supplied assembled. assembly done by fixing four (4)
each space and need.” - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm, 50 mm screws.
TBBS1-315 See options front edge with welded corners. - 900 mm height with stainless steel
- Square section stainless steel legs height-adjustable feet (-10 mm /
40 x 40 mm. + 50 mm).
350 Range - Rear legs set back 40 mm for floors - Supplied assembled.
WITH ONE (1) SHELF WITH TWO (2) SHELVES with sanitary radius.
DIMENSIONS (mm) € € € € CKS1-S-12 BR2 BS three (3) crossbars, two (2) at the sides
1000x350x1050 19094281 - 19094285 - 19094289 - 19094293 -
1500x350x1050 19094282 - 19094286 - 19094290 - 19094294 - MODEL CODE DIMENSIONS (mm) TYPE SPEED RAIL BLENDER HOLDER €
2000x350x1050 19094283 - 19094287 - 19094291 - 19094295 -
CKLR-S-12 BR1 19094869 1200x610x900 Reinforcement frame Single No -
2500x350x1050 19094284 - 19094288 - 19094292 - 19094296 -
CKS1-S-12 BR1 19094870 1200x610x900 With shelf Single No -
600 Range CKLR-S-12 BR1 BS 19107493 1200x720x900 Reinforcement frame Single Yes -
WITH ONE (1) SHELF WITH TWO (2) SHELVES CKS1-S-12 BR1 BS 19107490 1200x720x900 With shelf Single Yes -
DIMENSIONS (mm) WITH WORKTOP WITHOUT WORKTOP WITH WORKTOP WITHOUT WORKTOP CKLR-S-12 BR2 BS 19094872 1200x720x900 Reinforcement frame Double Yes -
€ € € €
TBBS1-6 TBBS1-6 SE TBBS2-6 TBBS2-6 SE CKS1-S-12 BR2 BS 19094871 1200x720x900 With shelf Double Yes -
1000x600x1050 19094297 - 19094301 - 19094305 - 19094309 - CKLR-S-15 BR1 BS 19107495 1500x720x900 Reinforcement frame Single Yes -
1500x600x1050 19094298 - 19094302 - 19094306 - 19094310 - CKS1-S-15 BR1 BS 19107494 1500x720x900 With shelf Single Yes -
2000x600x1050 19094299 - 19094303 - 19094307 - 19094311 - CKLR-S-15 BR2 BS 19094874 1500x720x900 Reinforcement frame Double Yes -
2500x600x1050 19094300 - 19094304 - 19094308 - 19094312 - CKS1-S-15 BR2 BS 19094873 1500x720x900 With shelf Double Yes -
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