Page 1156 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1156

Fagor Professional                                                                                                 Foodservice | Static preparation

                                                                                                                                   Shelves on racks
            Wall-mounted shelves on racks
            - Made from stainless steel.

                                                                                                                                                                                     On racks
                                                                                                                                                                                     - Made from stainless steel.  - Height of the shelves adjustable
                                                                                                                                                                                                               every 150 mm.
                                                                                                                                                                                          MODEL       CODE      DIMENSIONS (mm)  €/ SET 4 FEET

                                                                                                                                                                                          SF-17      19092935      1700        -
                                                                                                                                                                                          SF-20      19092936      2000        -

                                                                                                                                                                                     Stainless steel flat shelves
                                                                                                                                                                                     - Made from stainless steel.
             Vertical rack                                                                                                                                                           - Shelves fixed to the racks using tools included.

                         MODEL                        CODE                      DIMENSIONS (mm)       €/UNIT
                         SAS-6                       19092885                       600                 -                                                    1 mm THICKNESS                              1.5 mm THICKNESS
                         SAS-10                      19092886                      1000                 -
                                                                                                                                    DIMENSIONS   WITHOUT   MAXIMUM LOAD   €  WITH   MAXIMUM LOAD   €  WITHOUT   MAXIMUM LOAD   €  WITH   MAXIMUM LOAD   €
                         SAS-15                      19092887                      1500                 -                             (mm)  REINFORCE-  (KG)/ SHELF  REINFORCE-  (KG)/ SHELF  REINFORCE-  (KG)/ SHELF  REINFORCE-  (KG)/ SHELF
                                                                                                                                              SS10                  SS10R                  SS15                 SS15R
            Flat shelf                                                                                                               800x400  19092903  210   -    19092911  260    -    19092919  280    -    19092927  330    -
                                                                                                                                    1000x400  19092904  160   -    19092912  210    -    19092920  230    -    19092928  280    -
                         MODEL                        CODE                      DIMENSIONS (mm)         €
                        SPF-210                      19092888                     1000x250              -                           1200x400  19092905  110   -    19092913  160    -    19092921  130    -    19092929  180    -
                        SPF-212                      19092889                     1200x250              -                           1400x400  19092906  85    -    19092914  135    -    19092922  105    -    19092930  155    -
                        SPF-214                      19092890                     1400x250              -
                                                                                                                                     800x500  19092907  205   -    19092915  255    -    19092923  280    -    19092931  330    -
                        SPF-216                      19092891                     1600x250              -
                        SPF-410                      19092892                     1000x400              -                           1000x500  19092908  155   -    19092916  205    -    19092924  230    -    19092932  280    -
                        SPF-412                      19092893                     1200x400              -
                                                                                                                                    1200x500  19092909  105   -    19092917  155    -    19092925  130    -    19092933  180    -
                        SPF-414                      19092894                     1400x400              -
                        SPF-416                      19092895                     1600x400              -                           1400x500  19092910  80    -    19092918  130    -    19092926  105    -    19092934  155    -

            Tilted shelf

                   MODEL             CODE          DIMENSIONS (mm)     No PANS          PANS SIZE       €
                   SI-210           19092896         1000x250            4               GN 1/6         -
                   SI-410           19092897         1000x400            4               GN 1/3         -

                                                              Hanging bar

                                                              - Made from stainless steel fully     - Welded plates with drills (screws
                                                                welded.                 and plugs included).
                                                              - Ø30 mm tube.
                                                                   MODEL       CODE      DIMENSIONS (mm)  €
                                                                  UH-10       19092898    1000x150      -
                                                                  UH-15       19092899    1500x150      -
                                                                  UH-20       19092900    2000x150      -

                                                           501                                                                                                                    502
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