Page 1170 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1170
Fagor Professional Foodservice | Extraction
Buffet hoods With plenum and compensating
1150 mm width
1200 2 120115 19083857 - 120115 19083921 - 4000 6 400115 19083889 - 400115 19083953 -
1200 2 120115-L 19083858 - 120115-L 19083922 - 4000 6 400115-L 19083890 - 400115-L 19083954 -
1500 2 150115 19084130 - 150115 19084160 - 4200 7 420115 19083891 - 420115 19083955 -
1500 2 150115-L 19084131 - 150115-L 19084161 - 4200 7 420115-L 19083892 - 420115-L 19083956 -
1700 3 170115 19084132 - 170115 19084162 - 4400 8 440115 19083893 - 440115 19083957 -
1700 3 170115-L 19084133 - 170115-L 19084163 - 4400 8 440115-L 19083894 - 440115-L 19083958 -
2000 3 200115 19083863 - 200115 19083927 - 4500 7 450115 19084146 - 450115 19084176 -
2000 3 200115-L 19083864 - 200115-L 19083928 - 4500 7 450115-L 19084147 - 450115-L 19084177 -
- Extraction hood specially designed to be installed in buffet areas to - Hermetically closed, solid and robust structure, eliminating the risk of
suck out steam, odors, grease and heat generated in show cooking dripping fat and escaping fumes. 2200 4 220115 19083865 - 220115 19083929 - 4600 8 460115 19083897 - 460115 19083961 -
stations. - Guided grease drain system. Collection tray and drain hole for 2200 4 220115-L 19083866 - 220115-L 19083930 - 4600 8 460115-L 19083898 - 460115-L 19083962 -
- Made of stainless steel with satin finish. evacuation.
2400 4 240115 19083867 - 240115 19083931 - 4700 8 470115 19084148 - 470115 19084178 -
- Accessible parts and edges in bent sheet metal to make cleaning - 490x490x50 mm stainless steel slat filters.
easier and avoid cuts when handling. - Interior plenum with independent flow regulation flaps for each filter. 2400 4 240115-L 19083868 - 240115-L 19083932 - 4700 8 470115-L 19084149 - 470115-L 19084179 -
- Extraction capacity maximized thanks to casing design and hood - Models available with compensated air supply system, integrated 2500 4 250115 19084134 - 250115 19084164 - 4900 8 490115 19084150 - 490115 19084180 -
profile. into the hood, to prevent air flow falling directly on the chefs. Two 2500 4 250115-L 19084135 - 250115-L 19084165 - 4900 8 490115-L 19084151 - 490115-L 19084181 -
- Models larger than 2.20 meters (except 2.5 m model that comes in external ventilation units, one for internal air extraction and the other 2700 4 270115 19084136 - 270115 19084166 - 5000 8 500115 19083903 - 500115 19083967 -
a single piece) are supplied in several pieces with a hidden joining kit, for external air supply.
easy to assemble. 2700 4 270115-L 19084137 - 270115-L 19084167 - 5000 8 500115-L 19083904 - 500115-L 19083968 -
2900 5 290115 19084138 - 290115 19084168 - 5100 9 510115 19084152 - 510115 19084182 -
2900 5 290115-L 19084139 - 290115-L 19084169 - 5100 9 510115-L 19084153 - 510115-L 19084183 -
3000 4 300115 19083875 - 300115 19083939 - 5200 8 520115 19083907 - 520115 19083971 -
3000 4 300115-L 19083876 - 300115-L 19083940 - 5200 8 520115-L 19083908 - 520115-L 19083972 -
3200 5 320115 19083877 - 320115 19083941 - 5400 9 540115 19083909 - 540115 19083973 -
3200 5 320115-L 19083878 - 320115-L 19083942 - 5400 9 540115-L 19083910 - 540115-L 19083974 -
3400 6 340115 19083879 - 340115 19083943 - 5500 8 550115 19084154 - 550115 19084184 -
3400 6 340115-L 19083880 - 340115-L 19083944 - 5500 8 550115-L 19084155 - 550115-L 19084185 -
3500 5 350115 19084140 - 350115 19084170 - 5600 10 560115 19083913 - 560115 19083977 -
3500 5 350115-L 19084141 - 350115-L 19084171 - 5600 10 560115-L 19083914 - 560115-L 19083978 -
3600 6 360115 19083883 - 360115 19083947 - 5700 9 570115 19084156 - 570115 19084186 -
3600 6 360115-L 19083884 - 360115-L 19083948 - 5700 9 570115-L 19084157 - 570115-L 19084187 -
3700 6 370115 19084142 - 370115 19084172 - 5900 10 590115 19084158 - 590115 19084188 -
3700 6 370115-L 19084143 - 370115-L 19084173 - 5900 10 590115-L 19084159 - 590115-L 19084189 -
3900 7 390115 19084144 - 390115 19084174 - 6000 9 600115 19083919 - 600115 19083983 -
3900 7 390115-L 19084145 - 390115-L 19084175 - 6000 9 600115-L 19083920 - 600115-L 19083984 -
• -L: With LED lighting
529 530