Page 232 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 232


        CONFIGURATION OF SUPERIMPOSED OVENS                                                                          ICON7000  720 mm


                                             AT…            AT…  …W **          KSAT…
                    ...W                    AT61E...          AT61E            KSAT11E
                                            AT61E...          AT61G                            98x96x154,5
                                            AT61G...          AT61E            KSAT11G                               ICON9000  920 mm
                                            AT61G...          AT61G
                                            AT101E...         AT61E
                                            AT101E...         AT61G            KSAT11E
                                            AT101G...         AT61E                            98x96x188,5
                                            AT101G...         AT61G            KSAT11G
                                            AT82E...          AT82E...         KSAT82E
                                            AT82E...          AT82G...                         118x118x200
                                            AT82G...          AT82E...         KSAT82G
                                            AT82G...          AT82G...
           KSAT…                      * height including 150 mm feet for bottom oven and smoke exhaust flue and/or vents  ICON9000 PLUS  920 mm
                                      ** the top oven can be equipped with 100% automatic washing using the GPATKS kit
            The top oven CANNOT BE A .....W


                                             FX…               FX…             KSFX....
                                            FX61E...          FX61E...         KSFX11E                               OMEGA   1100 mm
                                            FX61E...          FX61G...
                                            FX61G...          FX61E...         KSFX11G          92x94x159
                                            FX61G...          FX61G...
                                            FX101E...         FX61E...         KSFX11E
                                            FX101E...         FX61G...
                                            FX101G...         FX61E...         KSFX11G         92x94x183,5
                                            FX101G...         FX61G...
                                            FX82E...          FX82E...         KSFX82E
                                            FX82E...          FX82G...                        122,5x117x189
                                            FX82G...          FX82E...         KSFX82G                                MONOLITHE
                                            FX82G...          FX82G...
           KSFX…                      * height including 100 mm feet for bottom oven and vents

                                             BX…               BX…             KSFX…
                                            BX61E...          BX61E...         KSFX11E
                                            BX61E...          BX61G...                          92x94x159
                                            BX61G...          BX61E...         KSFX11G                                AT - FX - BX - TT
                                            BX61G...          BX61G...
                                            BX101E...         BX61E...         KSFX11E
                                            BX101E...         BX61G...                         92x94x183,5
                                            BX101G...         BX61E...         KSFX11G
                                            BX101G...         BX61G...
                                            BX82E...          BX82E...
                                            BX82E...          BX82G...         KSFX82E
                                            BX82G...          BX82E...                        122,5x117x189
                                            BX82G...          BX82G...         KSFX82G
           KSFX…                      * height including 100 mm feet for bottom oven and vents
            CHICKENSTAR VERSION: NO possibility to place another oven or blast chiller under this model.
            ALL models of COMBISTAR BX and COMBISTAR FX are interchangeable.


                        TT…    TT…    KSTT…                                 TT…    TT…   TATTS…

                       TT623   TT623  KSTT23  51,3x75x164                  TT623  TT623  TATTS23  51,3x75x189

                        TT61   TT61   KSTT11  51,3x91,6x164                TT61    TT61  TATTS11  51,3x91,6x189

                       TT101   TT61   KSTT11  51,3x91,6x189

           KSTT…                                                         TATTS…
                      * height including foot/frame/chimney/vents/handle

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