Page 752 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 752


      Flat Cover                                                         LID
                                                            FITS PANS    CODE                 DESCRIPTION
      Available in all pan sizes.                           GN 1/1       10CWC                Flat cover
                                                            32,5 x 53 cm
                                                                         10CWCH*              Cover with handle
                                                                         10CWCHN*             Notched cover with handle
                                                                         10CWGL               GripLid
      Cover with Handle                                                  10PPCWSC             Seal cover
      Deep molded handle provides secure
                                                            GN 1/2 Long  20LPCWC              Flat cover
      grip and also includes a peg hole                     16,2 x 53 cm
      for sanitary drying. Available in
      black to help block light, reducing                   GN 1/2       20CWC                Flat cover
      discoloration of meats and cheeses.                   26,5 x 32,5 cm  20CWCH*           Cover with handle
                                                                         20CWCHN*             Notched cover with handle
                                                                         20CWL                FlipLid
      Notched Cover                                                      20CWLN               Notched FlipLid
      with Handle
                                                                         20CWGL               GripLid
      Notched cover allows utensils to                                   20PPCWSC             Seal cover
      remain in pan and off of potentially
      contaminated counters. Includes peg                   GN 1/3       30CWC                Flat cover
                                                            17,6 x 32,5 cm
      hole for sanitary drying.                                          30CWCH*              Cover with handle
                                                                         30CWCHN*             Notched cover with handle
                                                                         30CWL                FlipLid
      Seal Cover                                                         30CWLN               Notched FlipLid
      Designed to fit Camwear and                                        30CWGL               GripLid
      translucent food pans, Seal Covers                                 30PPCWSC             Seal cover
      feature an inner seal that provides
                                                            GN 1/4       40CWC                Flat cover
      superior spill resistance and extends                 16,2 x 26,5 cm
      shelf life up to 3 days.                                           40CWCH*              Cover with handle
                                                                         40CWCHN*             Notched cover with handle
                                                                         40PPCWSC             Seal cover

      FlipLid ®                                             GN 1/6       60CWC                Flat cover
                                                            16,2 x 17,6 cm  60CWCH*           Cover with handle
      Flip up lid to easily access contents.
                                                                         60CWCHN*             Notched cover with handle
      Food can be held without getting
      dried out, increasing yields. Reduces                              60CWL                FlipLid
      points of cross contamination.                                     60CWLN               Notched FlipLid
                                                                         60CWGL               GripLid
                                                                         60PPCWSC             Seal cover
                                                            GN 1/8       80CWC                Flat cover
      Notched FlipLid                                       16,12 x 13,17 cm
                                                                         80CWCH               Cover with handle
      Flip Lid with notch to rest spoon in                               80CWCHN              Notched cover with handle
      contents with lid closed.
                                                                         80PPCWSC             Seal cover

                                                            GN 1/9       90CWC                Flat cover
                                                            10,8 x 17,6 cm  90CWCN            Flat notched cover
                                                                          90CWL*              FlipLid cover
      GripLid  ®                                                          90CWLN*             Notched FlipLid cover
                                                                         90PPCWSC             Seal cover
      Molded-in polyurethane gasket on
                                                                         Case pack for all lids: 6  *Includes peg hole.
      the lid grips the side of the food pan
      airtight, reducing spills and points of               Color: Clear (135).       FlipLids are covered by
      cross contamination.                                  Seal Cover Color: Translucent (190).    U.S. Patent Des. 420,849, 422,838
                                                            Cover with Handle Colors: Clear (135),   & 427,012. GripLids are covered by U.S.
                                                            Black (110).              Patent D 446,076 & Utility Patent
      10PPCWSC, 20PPCWSC, 30PPCWSC, 40PPCWSC, 60PPCWSC, 90PPCWSC: (190)  Personalization available on non-food
      10CWC, 10CWCH, 10CWCHN, 10CWGL, 20LPCWC, 20CWC, 20CWCH, 20CWCHN, 20CWGL, 30CWC,   contact areas only. See cresting section
      30CWCH, 30CWCHN, 30CWGL, 40CWC, 40CWCH, 60CWC, 60CWCH, 60CWCHN, 60CWGL, 90CWC: (135)  for information and ordering.
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