Page 753 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 753


            •   Rinse, drain and store    Colander Pans are covered by U.S. Patent
              all in one pan.         D 569 ,169 S.
            •   Liquids drain easily into the food
              pan below for enhanced food
              quality and reduced handling.
            •   Colanders simply lift out of the
              food pan for safe and quick
              disposal of liquids.
            •   Ideal for prepped produce, storing
              seafood on ice, and defrosting and
              storing meats and poultry.
            •   Camwear flat covers, covers
              with handles and notched covers
              with handles fit on pans with

                                          Drain hole
                                          dimension: 6 mm
                                                                             13CLRCW with 14CW Food Pan

                        Rinse                                Drain                                Store

                                                 COLANDER             FITS CAMWEAR
            CONFIGURATIONS  PAN  CODE            DEPTH                PAN DEPTH*
            GN 1/1         13CLRCW               7,6 cm               10 cm
            32,5 x 53 cm
                           15CLRCW               12,7                 15

            GN 1/2         23CLRCW               7,6                  10
            26,5 x 32,5 cm  25CLRCW              12,7                 15

            GN 1/3         33CLRCW               7,6                  10
            17,6 x 32,5 cm
                           35CLRCW               12,7                 15
            GN 1/6         63CLRCW               7,6                  10
            16,2 x 17,6 cm  65CLRCW              12,7                 15
                           Case Pack for all Pans: 6  *Fits this pan depth & deeper.  Lids listed on previous page.
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