Page 790 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 790


      Value Added                We require the following:    without complete, camera-ready   –  Polyester, Fiberglass and
      Personalization            a. Electronic artwork file provided on   artwork. Cambro will contact you if   Laminated Trays:
                                 CD-ROM for Mac or PC.      this fee will be charged and will give   *** Net per sample.
      Promote business to customers and                     you an estimated cost.      (Plus shipping cost.)
      employees alike by placing your   We accept the following file formats:
      custom logo, trademark, slogan or   •  Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop   5) Sample process:   –  Polypropylene Fast Food Trays:
      design on our trays.        files in JPEG, TIFF or EPS formats.  a. For any new project, a finished   *** Net per sample.
      How to Order               •  File dimensions must equal 100%   sample will be submitted for the   (Plus shipping cost.)
      1) Select a tray size, color, pattern, or   of reproduction size at 300dpi   customer’s approval.  d. Upon receipt and shipment of a
      design.                     resolution.               b. The first sample with a firm   firm purchase order, a credit will be
      2) Provide complete, camera-ready   b. Illustration on paper: The quality of   purchase order is free. (Plus shipping   applied to your account for the cost of
      artwork and indicate positioning on   the art must be crisp and scannable.   cost.)  one sample.
      the tray.                  Please specify PANTONE number for   c. Samples not accompanied by a firm   6) Personalization charges apply to
                                 each color or indicate if it is a four   purchase order or requests for more   both original orders and returns.
      3) According to the tray type, Cambro
      can produce 1, 2, 3 and 4 color   color process.      than one sample will be charged a
      artwork as well as 4 color process   4) An artist’s fee of *** per hour will   flat rate of:
      artwork.                   be charged to any order submitted
       POLYESTER TRAYS                                      FIBERGLASS TRAYS

      Versa Trays VT/GP                                     Camtray  Trays
      Versa Lite Trays VL/GL                                •  All Camtray sizes can be personalized.
      •  Only the following tray models are                  (Except compartment trays shown in
        suitable for personalization:                        main Cambro catalog).
      Versa Trays:                                          •  Minimum Quantity: 144 trays per size.
      VT1216, VT1418, VT2632, VT3253,                       •  Sample Production Time: 10 business days
      VT3343, VT3343C, VT3646C, VT3753, VT3853, GP0540, GP1070, GP1080,   + delivery and transit time from receipt of camera ready artwork.
      GP3074, GP3980, GP4002, GP4210, GP4004, GP4701, GP4709, GP4853
                                                            •  Order Production Time: Up to 4-6 weeks + delivery and transit time from the
      Versa Lite Trays:                                      date artwork is approved and the order is confirmed.
      VL1014, VL1216, VL1418, VL2632, VL3253, VL3343, VL3343C, VL3646C,   •  Request for additional samples without a firm purchase order will be
      VL3753, GL0540, GL1070, GL1080, GL3074, GL3980, GL4002, GL4210,   charged *** Net per sample. (Plus shipping cost.)
      GL4701, GL4709
                                                            Printing Process Applicable:
      •  Minimum Quantity: 120 trays per size.
                                                            a. Digital Printing - Edge to Edge: allows printing of one color or multiple color
      •  Sample Production Time: 10 business days + delivery and transit time from   artwork as well as photo reproduction.
        receipt of camera ready artwork.
                                                            Printable area: Print area covers 100% of surface, edge to edge on top and
      •  Order Production Time: Up to 4-6 weeks + delivery and transit time from   bottom of the tray.Available for Decor Series Camtrays and select Camtrays.
        the date artwork is approved and the order is confirmed.
                                                            b. Digital Printing - Inside Trays: allows printing of one color or multiple color
      •  Request for additional samples without a firm purchase order will be   artwork as well as photo reproduction. This process can only be used on light
        charged *** Net per sample. (Plus shipping cost.)
                                                            color trays. Darker tray color will make the artwork colors go darker.
      Printing Process Applicable:
                                                            Tray Colors Recommended for Four Color Printing Process:
      Digital Printing - Inside Trays Process: allows printing of one color or   Antique Parchment (101), Light Peach (106), Dark Peach (117), White (148),
      multiple color artwork as well as photo reproduction.  Sky Blue (177), Key Lime (429), Lemon Chiffon (536), Cameo Yellow (537),
      Tray Colors Recommended for Personalized Versa Trays VT/GP:   Cottage White (538).
      Speckled Mocha (A21), Sahara (A22), Light Grey (A27),   Printable area: The artwork can cover the flat surface of tray up to 3,5 cm from
      Pearl White (A33), Terrazzo (A86).                    the internal tray edge.
      For the following colors, please call Cambro Customer Service for artwork   c. Silkscreen Printing Personalization: allows up to four colors. This process is
      review: Magic Yellow (A25), Magic Mint (A26).         best used with light color artwork on dark tray color.
      Tray Colors Recommended for Personalized Versa Lite Trays VL/GL:    Printable area: covers 100% of surface, edge to edge on top and bottom of
      Speckled Smoke (A20), Speckled Mocha (A21),           the tray.
      Sahara (A22), Light Grey (A27), Pearl White (A33) and Terrazzo (A86).
      Printable Area:                                       Personalization Charges Per Tray:
      The artwork can cover the flat surface of tray up to
      1 cm from the internal tray edge.                     QUANTITY EACH             ADDITIONAL NET CHARGES
      Personalization Charges Per Tray:                     144-299                   ***
                                                            300 and up                Free
      120-300                    ***                        ***Contact your Cambro representative for pricing.
      312-996                    ***
      1,008 and up               ***

      ***Contact your Cambro representative for pricing.
      If you are using Thermo-Chemical Disinfection Equipment, please contact us.
      We will assist you finding the right tray for your application.
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