Page 1022 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1022

Fagor Professional                                                                                                       Dishwashing

            Flight type diswashers FCO-PW4-RD

                                                                                                                                   Options and accessories
                                                                                        5880 mm
            FCO-PW4-RD R
                                                                  906 mm           D    4    W     P   AS

                                          R                                 2200 mm   700 mm  900 mm  900 mm  1180 mm
                                                                                                                                   Codes and prices *
                                                                                                                                   CODE                MODEL                     ENTRY DIRECTION                   €
                                                                                                                                   19068360           FCO-PW4-RD R                  Right                          -
                                                                                                                                   19068366           FCO-PW4-RD L                  Left                           -

                                                                                                                                   * The price of the machine does not include the belt, which must be ordered separately. See options and accessories.


                                                                                                                                   CODE    MODEL                       DESCRIPTION
            Specific features                                Technical data                                                        19074856  PLATE BELT FCO-PW4-RD     Belt for plates and baskets                       -
                                                                                                                                   19072700  KITCHENWARE BELT FCO-PW4-RD  Belt for kitchenware (pots and containers)     -
            - Electromechanical switch that allows you to choose between 3   Height (1)   mm         2070                          19075209  ISOTHERMAL TRAY BELT FCO-PW4-RD  Belt for isothermal trays                  -
             programmes and two digital displays for the control and visualisation   Height with door open  mm  2245
             of washing and rinsing temperatures.             Clearance (WxH)             mm        630x440
            - Splash guard module (AS).                       Supply water pressure min. - max.  bar  1,5-4
            - Pre-wash (P): Consisting of 6 upper arms and 5 lower arms.
             Continuous renewal of the pre-wash water with a constant amount of   Traction motor  kW  0,25
             pre-rinse water, channelling the surplus through a recirculation pump.  PRE-WASH/WASH  PRE-WASH  MAIN WASH            Extra Drying
            - Main wash (W).                                  Tank capacity      lt       100         100
                                                                                                                                                                VOLTAGE AND
            - Pre-rinsing / rinsing (4)                       Tank heater power  kW                   15                           CODE             MODEL      FRECUENCY (HZ)   DESCRIPTION   POWER        DIMENSIONS    €
             · Pre-rinsing: Consisting of 2 upper and 1 lower prerinsing arms.  Washing pump power  kW  2,6  2,6                   19075207        FDM-700     400V 3N 50/60   Extra drying    9,5        700x900x2070   -
             · Rinsing: With one rinsing pump. Type A non-return device in   PRE-RINSE/RINSE  PRE-    RINSE                        One standard drier (D) for optimal drying of ceramic dishes. Possibility of adding two extra dryers for drying plastic or stainless steel kitchenware.
              compliance with EN 1717 and WRAS approval. Consisting of 1                  RINSE        4
              upper and 1 lower rinsing arm. It uses a frequency converter for   Boiler capacity  lt  -  20
              the rinse pump, which allows to vary the amount of rinse water by
              automatically adapting it to the selected conveying speed.  Tank capacity  lt  30        -                           Disassembly
            - Energy Recovery as standard (R).               Boiler heater power  kW       -          18                           CODE          MODEL                      DESCRIPTION                                  €
            - One standard drier (D) for optimal drying of ceramic dishes. Possibility   Tank resistance power  kW  5  -
             of adding two extra dryers for drying plastic or stainless steel   Rinsing pump power  kW  0,26  0,15                                                          Extra charge for disassembly and shipment of the machinery in
             kitchenware.                                                                                                          19075212      BELT MODULE DISASSEMBLY KIT  several packages.                          -
                                                              DRY                               DRY
                                                              Heater power       kW             7,5
                                                              Fan power          kW             1,95
                                                                                                                                   Transformations to other voltages
                                                             (1) Adjustable height (+70/+0 mm)
                                                                                                                                    VOLTAGE                        CHARACTERISTICS                                     €
            Programs                                                                                                                220-240V 3~ (FG)               220-240V 3~ connection for rack type dishwashers    -
             PROGRAM                PRODUCTION   WATER      WASH        RINSE            TOTAL POWER (KW) (1)
                                    (PLATES/H)  CONSUMPTION  TEMPERATURE  TEMPERATURE
                                                 (L/H)       (ºC)       (ºC)              COLD WATER INLET
                                                                                       WITH ENERGY RECOVERY (RC)
                                                                                             15º-25º                               Standard accessories
                                                                                     380-400V 3N 50Hz Simultaneous
            Intensive program (DIN-10534)  2490   190         65         85                  53,4
                                                                                                                                           Glass basket      ps     2
            Medium program             3520       210         65         85                  53,4
            High capacity program      4600       230         65         85                  53,4
                                                                                                                                           Cutlery basket    ps     1
            (1) Consult other possible factory versions.
                                                                                                                                           Cups basket       ps     2

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