Page 1041 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1041

Fagor Professional                                                                                               Foodservice | Commercial refrigeration

            GN 2/1 Dual Temperature                                                                                              GN 1/1 400

                                                                  General characteristics                                                                                                General characteristics
                                                                    - Interior constructed with AISI-304 stainless steel exterior in food                                                  - Interior constructed with AISI-304 stainless steel exterior in food
                                                                   grade stainless steel.                                                                                                 grade stainless steel.
                                                                    - 50 mm thickness, CFC-free, high-density (40 kg/m³) polyurethane                                                      - 60 mm thickness, CFC-free, high-density (40 kg/m³)
                                                                   insulation, injected under high pressure.                                                                              polyurethane insulation, injected under high pressure.
                                                                    - Removable guiding rails construction with 18 grid level position                                                     - Removable guiding rails construction with 18 grid level position
                                                                   per each full doorwith 70 mm distance among them.                                                                      per each full door with 70 mm distance among them.
                                                                    - Intuitive, digital display for electronic control with energy saving                                                 - Intuitive, digital display for electronic control with energy saving
                                                                   function to ensure an optimal control of storing products.                                                             function to ensure an optimal control of storing products.
                                                                    - Internally designed monoblock cooling system. Top mounted                                                            - Height-adjustable stainless steel legs. Height of the legs can be
                                                                   evaporator ensure an easy maintenance of refrigeration unit, as                                                        adjusted individually (130 mm - 200 mm) to enable convenient
                                                                   well as an optimized use of storage compartment                                                                        cleaning.
                                                                    - Height-adjustable stainless steel legs. Height of the legs can be                                                    - Stamped edge interiors, for easier cleaning operations to reduce
                                                                   adjusted individually (130 mm - 200 mm) to enable convenient                                                           potential dirt traps with a built-in drainage to get rid of waste
                                                                   cleaning.                                                                                                              liquid inside units.
                                                                    - Stamped edge interiors, for easier cleaning operations to reduce                                                     - Removable and height adjustable epoxy coated GN 1/1 grids
                                                                   potential dirt traps with a built-in drainage to get rid of waste                                                      with a maximum loading capacity of up to 40 kg.
                                                                   liquid inside units.                                                                                                    - Electric connection 220V-240V 1N
                                                                    - Removable and height adjustable epoxy coated GN 2/1 grids
                                                                   with a maximum loading capacity of up to 40 kg.
                                                                    - Suitable for 1 x GN2/1 or 2 x GN1/1 food containers.
                                                                    - Electric connection 220V-240V 1N

            Technical data                                                                                                        Technical data
                            QUENCY  MENT  (ºC)       POWER (kW)      VOLUME (L) CONSUMP- EFFICIEN-  POWER                                           QUENCY  (ºC)        POWER    POWER      VOLUME  CONSUMPTION  EFFICIENCY
                                                                            TION (kWh) CY CLASS  (kW)                                                                    (kW)  (kW)          (L)   (kWh)  CLASS
                                   +1  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-290  0,369 (1)  Stop                                                         19089485 CUP-11G1/1  50Hz  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  0,205  Stop  305  726 (4)  D  490 x 700 x 2010  -
            19089481 CUD-12G/2  50Hz                                   596  679 (4)  D  0,616  693 x 826 x 2008  -
                                   +2  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-290  0,25 (1)  Electric                                                      19089487 CUP-11G1/1 GD  50Hz  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  0,208  Stop  305  1198 (5)  C  490 x 700 x 2010  -
                                   +1  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  Stop
            19089482 CUD-22G/2  50Hz                                  1301  905 (4)  D  0,367  1388 x 826 x 2008  -               19089489 CUN-11G1/1  50Hz  -18ºC -22ºC  R-290  0,364 (2)  0,369  Electric  305  2197 (4)  E  490 x 700 x 2010  -
                                   +2  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  Electric
                                                                                                                                                      (1) Evap. -10°C/ Cond. 45°C  (2) Evap. -25°C/ Cond. 45°C  (4) According to En22041 standard  (5) According to EN23953 standard
                                   +1  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  Stop
            19089483 CUD-23G/2  50Hz                                  1301  905 (4)  D  0,367  1388 x 826 x 2008  -
                                   +2  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  Electric                                                    Options                                              Standard Accessories
                                   +1  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  Stop
            19089484 CUD-24G/2  50Hz                                  1301  905 (4)  D  0,367  1388 x 826 x 2008  -
                                   +2  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  Electric                                                                               CUP-11G1/1  CUP-11G1/1   CUN-11G1/1
                                                   (1) Evap. -10°C/ Cond. 45°C  (2) Evap. -25°C/ Cond. 45°C  (4) According to En22041 standard  Opposite Opening  OP  O  O     O               19097778  GN 1/1 Epoxy         3
                                                                                                                                                                                                        coated grid
                                                                                                                                  G Type Plug      CI          O       O       O                        530x325
                                                                                                                                  Lock            LC           O       •       O               19100845  TRAY SUPPORT         3
            Options                                               Standard Accessories                                            Remote Group    RG           O       O       O                        GUIDES L=532 mm
                                                                                                                                  Castors          C           O       O       O
                                                                                              CUD-  CUD-  CUD-  CUD-
                                      CUD-12G/2  CUD-22G/2  CUD-23G/2  CUD-24G/2              12G/2  22G/2  23G/2  24G/2
                                                                                                                                  Back in Stainless Steel  BS  O       O       O
            G Type Plug     CI          O      O     O     O                                                                      Frame heater    FH           O       O       •
            Lock            LC           -     O     -     -              19097787  GN 2/1 EPOXY   pc  2  6  6  6
            Castors         C           O      O     O     O                                                                      60Hz            60Hz         O       O       O
                                                                                                                                  Glass Door      GD            -      •       -
            Back in Stainless Steel  BS  O     O     O     O                     TRAY
            Frame heater    FH          O      O     O     O              19010206  SUPPORT   pc  2  6  6    6                    Pedal           PD           O       O       O
                                                                                 GUIDES L=
                                                                                 662 mm
            60Hz           60Hz         O      O     O     O
            Pedal           PD           -     O     -     -

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