Page 1043 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1043

Fagor Professional                                                                                               Foodservice | Commercial refrigeration

            Snack Display                                                                                                        Snack with Freezing Compartment

                                                                  General characteristics                                                                                                General characteristics
                                                                    - Interior and exterior built-in with food grade stainless steel                                                       - Interior and exterior built-in with food grade stainless steel
                                                                   for intensive professional applications.                                                                               for intensive professional applications.
                                                                    - 50 mm thickness, CFC-free, high-density (40 kg/m³) polyurethane                                                      - 50 mm thickness, CFC-free, high-density (40 kg/m³)
                                                                   insulation, injected under high pressure.                                                                              polyurethane insulation, injected under high pressure.
                                                                    - Constructed with a rail system placed in the front and back                                                          - Constructed with a rail system placed in the front and back
                                                                   of the upright with 18 grid level position and 70mm distance                                                           of the upright with 18 grid level position and 70mm distance
                                                                   among them.                                                                                                            among them.
                                                                    - Intuitive, digital display for electronic control with energy saving                                                 - Intuitive, digital display for electronic control with energy saving
                                                                   function to ensure an optimal control of storing products.                                                             function to ensure an optimal control of storing products.
                                                                    - Double-glazed doors insulated with low thermal emissivity to                                                         - Height-adjustable stainless steel legs. Height of the legs can be
                                                                   reduce heat transfer in refrigeration.                                                                                 adjusted individually (130 mm - 200 mm) to enable convenient
                                                                    - Height-adjustable stainless steel legs. Height of the legs can be                                                   cleaning.
                                                                   adjusted individually (130 mm - 200 mm) to enable convenient                                                            - CUD-22S/M
                                                                   cleaning.                                                                                                               •  Equipped with 3 560x542 grid per each full door with
                                                                    - Stamped edge interiors, for easier cleaning operations to reduce                                                      a maximum loading capacity of up to 40 kg.
                                                                   potential dirt traps with a built-in drainage to get rid of waste                                                       - CUD-XXS/N
                                                                   liquid inside units.                                                                                                    •  Refrigeration chamber equipped with 3 560x542 grid per full
                                                                    - Removable and height adjustable epoxy coated 560x542 size                                                             door compartment and 1 piece in half door compartment
                                                                   grids with a maximum loading capacity of up to 40 kg.                                                                   •  freezer compartment equipped with 3 PVC 530X540 sanitary
                                                                    - Electric connection 220V-240V 1N.                                                                                     baskets
                                                                                                                                                                                           - Electric connection 220V-240V 1N

            Technical data                                                                                                        Technical data
                            QUENCY  (ºC)          POWER    POWER      VOLUME  CONSUMPTION  EFFICIENCY                                                     MENT     (ºC)             (kW)            VOLUME   POWER
                                                   (kW)   (kW)          (L)   (kWh)  CLASS                                                               COLUMEN                                      (L)  (kW)
            19089501 CUP-11S GD  50Hz  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  0,186  Stop  506  904 (5)  B  693 x 726 x 2067  -                                    +     0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,361 (1)  Stop
            19089503 CUP-22S GD  50Hz  0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,436 (1)  0,212  Stop  1109  1609 (5)  B  1388 x 726 x 2067  -        19089515 CUD-22S/M  50Hz  -   -18ºC -22ºC  R290  0,364 (2)  Electric  1012  0,533  1388 x 726 x 2067  -
                                                                       (1) Evap. -10°C/ Cond. 45°C  (2) Evap. -25°C/ Cond. 45°C                            +     0ºC  +8 ºC  R-290  0,369 (1)  Stop
                                                                                                                                  19089517 CUD-12S/N  50Hz                                           506   0,581  693 x 726 x 2067  -
                                                                                                                                                            -   -18ºC -22ºC  R290  0,364 (2)  Electric
                                                                                                                                                           +     0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,436 (1)  Stop
                                                                                                                                  19089519 CUD-23S/N  50Hz                                           1109  0,578  1388 x 726 x 2067  -
                                                                                                                                                            -   -18ºC -22ºC  R290  0,364 (2)  Electric
                                                                                                                                                           +     0ºC  +8 ºC  R-600a  0,436 (1)  Stop
                                                                                                                                  19089521 CUD-24S/N  50Hz                                           1109  0,578  1388 x 726 x 2067  -
                                                                                                                                                            -   -18ºC -22ºC  R290  0,364 (2)  Electric
            Options                                               Standard Accessories                                                                                                       (1) Evap. -10°C/ Cond. 45°C  (2) Evap. -25°C/ Cond. 45°C

                                       CUP-11S GD    CUP-22S GD                                    CUP-11S  CUP-22S               Options                                              Standard Accessories
            G Type Plug   CI             O             O                  19097772  560x542 EPOXY   pc  3  6
                                         •             •                         GRID                                                                      CUD-22S/M  CUD-12S/N  CUD-23S/N  CUD-24S/N                CUD-  CUD-  CUD-  CUD-
            Lock         LC                                                                                                                                                                                         22S/M  12S/N  23S/N  24S/N
            Remote Group  RG             O             O                  19097785  500x154 EPOXY   pc  0  3                      G Type Plug    CI          O     O      O     O                     560x542
                                                                                 GRID                                                                                                          19097772         pc   6    1   4    4
            Castors      C               O             O                                                                          Lock           LC          O      -     -     -                     EPOXY GRID
            Back in Stainless   BS       O             O                                                                          Castors         C          O     O      O     O
            Steel                                                                                                                                                                              19097785  500x154   pc  0  0   1    1
            Frame heater  FH             O             O                                                                          Back in Stainless Steel  BS  O   O      O     O                     EPOXY GRID
            60Hz        60Hz             O             O                                                                          Frame heater   FH          O     O      O     O                     TRAY
            Pedal        PD              O             O                                                                          60Hz          60Hz         O     O      O     O              19097784  GUIDES   pc  0   3   3    3
                                                                                                                                  Pedal          PD          O      -     -     -                     L=562mm
                                                                                                                                                                                               19097770 PLASTIC   pc  0   3   3    3

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