Page 1090 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1090

Fagor Professional                                                                                               Foodservice | Commercial refrigeration

            Dice-shaped ice-cube makers                                                                                          Dice-shaped ice-cube makers

                                                              General characteristics

                                                                 - Produces full dice ice cubes or half dice ice cubes.
                                                                 - Easy access for service and installation. All panels can be                                                      General characteristics
                                                               disassembled separately.                                                                                                - Produces full dice ice cubes or half dice ice cubes.
                                                                 - Strong door opening system. Door made in stainless steel.                                                           - High evaporator efficiency. Lower energy consumption and higher
                                                                 - Smart front ventilation system that allows built-in installation of the                                           ice production.
                                                               unit.                                                                                                                   - Smart water distributor that improves drop-off efficiency.
                                                                 - On/off lighted rocker switch in front panel.                                                                        - Easy access by removing the panels with a single screwdriver.
                                                                 - Cleaning switch that allows circulation of water with descaling product                                             - Smart electronic board that controls every parameter in the machine
                                                               without cooling.                                                                                                      and shows the diagnosis of possible incidences.
                                                                 - Electronic control that enhances the performance of the machine and                                                 - Specially manufactured from high quality stainless steel
                                                        HD     allows it to adapt to extreme climates.                                                                        HD     for intensive professional applications, featuring a very robust
                                                                 - Specially manufactured from high quality stainless steel for intensive                                            design and perfect finish.
                                                               professional applications, featuring a very robust design and perfect                                                   - Electric connection 220V-240V 50Hz 1N (except for FICE-400,
                                                               finish.                                                                                                               380V-415V 50Hz 3N). For other voltages and frequencies, consult
                                                                 - Equipment prepared for extreme ambient temperatures (43 ºC).                                                      the manufacturer.
                                                                 - Height adjustable legs from 105 mm to 155 mm.
                                                        D        - Electric connection 220V-240V 50Hz 1N. For other voltages and                                               D
                                                               frequencies, consult the manufacturer.

            Technical data                                                                                                        Technical data
                                                                                                        €                         REFERENCE  MODEL     CONDENSA-  GAS  TANK CAPACITY   PRODUCTION   Nº CUBES PER   POWER   DIMENSIONS   €
                                                                                                                                                       TION SYSTEM       (KG)    (KG/DAY)  CYCLE   (W)        (MM)
            HD shaped cubes (6 gr)                                                                                                HD shaped cubes (6 gr)
            19107202  EFICE-50 HD  Air     R290     20      47       75      770      535x595x789       -                         19107206  EFICE-200 HD  Air    R290     -       220     400     1868      762x620x500      -
            19107203  EFICE-70 HD  Air     R290     20      74       75      1007     535x595x789       -                         19107207  EFICE-300 HD FIT  Air  R290   -       300     480     2348      559x621x659      -
            19107204  EFICE-100 HD  Air    R290     35      108      120     1154     660x700x832       -                         19107015  FICE-400 HD*  Air   R-452a    -       405     800     11185     762x620x760      -
            19107205  EFICE-150 HD  Air    R290     45      145      144     1868     762x762x832       -                         D shaped cubes (12 gr)
            D shaped cubes (12 gr)                                                                                                19107212  EFICE-200 D  Air     R290     -       220     200     1868     762x620x500       -
            19107208  EFICE-50 D   Air     R290     20      45       75      770      535x595x789       -                         19107213  EFICE-300 D FIT  Air  R290    -       300     240     2348     559x621x659       -
            19107209  EFICE-70 D   Air     R290     20      76       75      1007     535x595x789       -                         19107016  FICE-400 D*  Air    R-452a    -       405     400     11185    762x620x760       -
            19107210  EFICE-100 D  Air     R290     35      99       120     1154     660x700x832       -                                                                     *Electric connection 380V-415V 50Hz 3N. For other voltages and frequencies, consult the manufacturer.
            19107211  EFICE-150 D  Air     R290     45      145      144     1868      762x762x832      -                         Compatible tanks
                                                                                                                                  MODEL              S-130                 S-160                 S-220                 S-350
                                                                                                                                  CAPACITY          160 KG                180 KG                230 KG                340 KG
                                                                                                                                                    CODE     €            CODE     €            CODE     €             CODE    €
            Options                                                                                                               EFICE-200        19082415  -             -       -           19031799  -           19082418  -
            MODEL              60HZ            UK             DP                                                                  EFICE-300        19082415  -           19082417  -           19031799  -           19082418  -
                                                                                                                                  FICE-400         19082415  -             -       -           19031799  -           19082418  -
            EFICE-50           O               O               O
            EFICE-70           O               O               O                                                                  MODEL              S-400                 S-500                S CART                S2CART
                                                                                                                                  CAPACITY          390 KG                480 KG               300 + 112 KG          617 + 224 KG
            EFICE-100          O               O               O                                                                                    CODE     €            CODE     €            CODE     €             CODE    €
            EFICE-150          O               O               O                                                                  EFICE-200        19096225  -           19031802  -           19082382  -           19082385  -
                                                                                                                                  EFICE-300        19096225  -           19031802  -           19082382  -           19082385  -
           Standard Accessories                                                                                                   FICE-400         19096225  -           19031802  -           19082382  -           19082385  -
                                                                                                                                                                    CODE         MODEL       SUITABLE FOR  CAPACITY  DIMENSIONS (MM)  €
                            GASKET                                           (ADJUSTABLE                                                                                                     EFICE-200
                                                                              HEIGHT)                                                                             19031818    Dispenser DHD             104    769x835x1383   -
            EFICE-50          1           1            1           1            1                                                                                                             FICE-400
            EFICE-70          1           1            1           1            1                                                                                 19082463  Dispenser DHD FIT & WATER  EFICE-300  58  559x835x1218  -
            EFICE-100         1           1            1           1            1
            EFICE-150         1           1            1           1            1                                                 Options                                         Standard Accessories

                                                                                                                                   MODEL      60HZ      UK       DP               MODEL        WATER INLET FILTER   WATER INLET HOSE   WATER OUTLET HOSE
                                                                                                                                   EFICE-200   O        O        -                EFICE-200         1           1            1
                                                                                                                                   EFICE-300   O        O        -                EFICE-300         1           1            1
                                                                                                                                   FICE-400    O        O        -                FICE-400          1           1            1
                                                           369                                                                                                                    370
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