Page 1092 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1092

Fagor Professional                                                                                               Foodservice | Commercial refrigeration

            Nugget ice-cube makers                                                                                               Hollow ice-cube makers

                                                                 - Nugget ice production.                                                                                           General characteristics
                                                                 - Ice drops out through the opening on the bottom of the unit.
                                                                 - High evaporator efficiency. Lower energy consumption and higher ice production.                                     - Produces a semi-hollow cube with a greater surface that cools
                                                                 - Stainless steel auger with resilient coating to maximize lifespan.                                                faster the drink.
                                                                 - Powerful speed reducer on top.                                                                                      - Paddle system to produce ice in the most adverse conditions
                                                                 - Optical pinpoint control system to set ice stock level.                                                           of water quality (hardwater) and in the least adequate sites.
                                                                 - On/off lighted rocker switch in the front panel.
                                                                 - Autodiagnosis led lights signaling operation status & alerts.                                                       - Paddle system that makes water filters unnecessary, avoiding their
                                                                 - Specially manufactured from high quality stainless steel for intensive                                            costs.
                                                               professional applications, featuring a very robust design and perfect finish.                                           - Water movement thanks to paddles grants that the purest water
                                                                 - The installation of an anti-scale filter is advised in areas with medium or high                                  touches the evaporator and get frozen, obtaining the clearest ice
                                                               limescale content (hard water), over 30 ºf of hardness.                                                               cube.
                                                        N        - Equipment prepared for extreme ambient temperatures (43 ºC).                                                        - Designed without thermostat, avoiding problems & getting all ice is
                                                                 - Electric connection 220V-240V 50Hz 1N. For other voltages and frequencies,                                        possible.
            Technical data                                     consult the manufacturer.                                                                                               - Without timer. Detection of end of cycle and full bin are detected
                                                                                                                                                                                     through mechanical devices.
            REFERENCE  MODEL     CONDENSA-  GAS  TANK CAPACITY   PRODUCTION   Nº CUBES PER   POWER   DIMENSIONS  €                                                                     - Door-opening movement dampening system to avoid accidents.
                                 TION SYSTEM        (KG)   (KG/DAY)  CYCLE   (W)          (MM)
                                                                                                                                                                                       - On/off lighted rocker switch in front panel.
            19107190  ENGIM-300    Air     R290      -      310       -      3240     559x622x712       -
                                                                                                                                                                               C       - Specially manufactured from high quality stainless steel
            Options                                          Standard Accessories                                                                                                    for intensive professional applications, featuring a very robust
                                                                                                                                                                                     design and perfect finish.
            MODEL       60HZ      UK       DP                                                                                                                                          - Equipment prepared for extreme ambient temperatures (43 ºC).
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Electric connection 220V-240V 50Hz 1N. For other voltages
            ENGIM-300    O        O        -                  ENGIM-300        1            1           1                                                                            and frequencies, consult the manufacturer.
            Compatible tanks
            MODEL/CAPACITY    S-130/ 160 KG         S-160/ 180 KG         S-220/ 230 KG          S-350/ 340 KG
                                CODE     € €          CODE     € €          CODE     € €          CODE     €                      Technical data
            ENGIM-300         19082414   -           19082416  -           19031843  -           19082374  -
                              39,36/ 390 KG         S-500/ 480 KG        S CART/ 300 + 112 KG  S2CART/ 617 + 224 KG               REFERENCE  MODEL     TION SYSTEM  GAS  TANK CAPACITY   PRODUCTION   Nº CUBES PER   POWER   DIMENSIONS   €
                                CODE     €            CODE     €            CODE     €            CODE     €
            ENGIM-300         19096224   -           19031844  -           19082380  -           19082383  -                      C shaped cubes (20 gr)
                                                                                                                                  19107192  EFIM-20 C    Air     R290     6       24       15      778     401x506x643       -
            Flake ice-cube makers                                                                                                 19107193  EFIM-20 C   Water    R290     12      24       15      778      401x506x643      - -
                                                                                                                                           EFIM-30 C
                                                                                                                                  19107195  EFIM-30 C   Water    R290     12      38       25      778      401x506x698      -
                                                              General characteristics                                             19107196  EFIM-40 C    Air     R290     12      40       25      404     401x506x698       -
                                                                 - Cold and dry flat flakes production. Flake thickness may be adjusted between 1.5 mm   19107197  EFIM-40 C  Water  R290  12  40  25  404  401x506x698      -
                                                               and 3 mm.                                                          19107198  EFIM-60 C    Air     R290     30      63       45     1266     594x557x934       -
                                                                 - Based on a static cylinder which is free from swivel joints (helical reamer)
                                                                 - coupled with a milling tool that detaches the ice without any strained or  19107199  EFIM-60 C  Water  R290  30  66     45     1266     594x557x934       -
                                                                 - forced movements.                                              19107200  EFIM-90 C    Air     R290     37      83       55     1804     674x557x984       -
                                                                 - High evaporator efficiency. Lower energy consumption and higher ice production.
                                                                 - Powerful speed reducer on top.                                 19107191  EFIM-90 C   Water    R290     37      83       55     1804     674x557x984       -
                                                                 - Magnetic drive pump.                                           19107201  EFIM-130 C   Air     R290     50      119      80     2292     844x557x984       -
                                                                 - Electronic stop system.
                                                                 - Controllers to detect: low water level, temperature rise due to motor  19107240  EFIM-130 C  Water  R290  50   114      80     2292     844x557x984       -
                                                                 - overload or full vat.
                                                        F        - Specially manufactured from high quality stainless steel for intensive professional
                                                               applications                                                       Options                                         Standard Accessories
                                                                 - Electric connection 380V-415V 50Hz 3N. For other voltages and frequencies, consult
                                                               the manufacturer.
            Technical data
                                 TION SYSTEM        (KG)   (KG/DAY)  CYCLE   (W)         (MM)                                                                                             FILTER GASKET  HOSE  OUTLET HOSE  SCOOP  PATAS
            19082465  FLAKE 1000*  Air    R-452a     -      1000      -      5500     1340x1150x870     -                          EFIM-20     O        O        -                                                          AJUSTABLE)
                                                        *Electric connection 380V-415V 50Hz 3N. For other voltages and frequencies, consult the manufacturer.  EFIM-30  O  O  -    EFIM-20    1       1       1        1       -
                                                                                                                                                                                   EFIM-30    1       1       1        1       1
            Options                                          Standard Accessories                                                  EFIM-40     O        O        -                 EFIM-40    1       1       1        1       1
            MODEL       60HZ      UK       DP                 MODEL        WATER INLET FILTER   WATER INLET HOSE  WATER OUTLET HOSE  EFIM-60   O        O        -
                                                                              GASKET                                                                                               EFIM-60    1       1       1        1       1
                                                                                                                                   EFIM-90     O        O        -
            FLAKE 1000   O        -        -                  FLAKE 1000       1            1           1                                                                          EFIM-80    1       1       1        1       1
                                                                                                                                   EFIM-130    O        O        -
                                                                                                                                                                                   EFIM-130   1       1       1        1       1
            Compatible tanks
            MODEL/CAPACITY    39,36/ 390 KG         S-500/ 480 KG        S CART/ 300 + 112 KG  S2CART/ 617 + 224 KG
                                CODE     €            CODE     €            CODE     €            CODE     €
            FLAKE 1000           -       -             -       -           1908-2380  -          19082383  -
                                                           373                                                                                                                    374
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