Page 1134 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1134

Fagor Professional                                                                                                 Foodservice | Static preparation


            - Worktop made from AISI-304 18/10       - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm, 50 mm front     - Designed to be mounted on wall brackets.
              stainless steel with satin finish and         edge with welded corners.
              reinforced with profiles.

                                                                                                                                                                                 TTW-B1C-614                               See options

                                                                                                                                   Worktops with bowl                                                                  Option customization in
                                                                                                                                   - Welded bowl of 500 x 400 x 250 mm.
                                                     TTC-714                                        See options
                                                                                                                                   600 Range

                                                                                                Option customization in                 DIMENSIONS    BOWL TO THE RIGHT  €        BOWL TO THE LEFT  €        BOWL IN CENTER  €
            Flat worktops                                                                       length                                                  TTW-B1R-6                   TTW-B1L-6                 TTW-B1C-6
                                                                                                                                        1000x600        19093892         -          19093903       -          19093914       -
            600 Range                                         700 Range                                                                 1200x600        19093893         -          19093904       -          19093915       -
                                                                                                                                        1400x600        19093894         -          19093905       -          19093916       -
                (mm)                                              (mm)                                                                  1500x600        19093895         -          19093906       -          19093917       -
                          TTW-6              TTC-6                          TTW-7              TTC-7
                                                                                                                                        1600x600        19093896         -          19093907       -          19093918       -
               600x600   19093823   -      19093800   -          600x700   19093869   -      19093846   -
                                                                                                                                        1800x600        19093897         -          19093908       -          19093919       -
               700x600   19093824   -      19093801   -          700x700   19093870   -      19093847   -
                                                                                                                                        2000x600        19093898         -          19093909       -          19093920       -
               800x600   19093825   -      19093802   -          800x700   19093871   -      19093848   -
                                                                                                                                        2200x600        19093899         -          19093910       -          19093921       -
               900x600   19093826   -      19093803   -          900x700   19093872   -      19093849   -                               2400x600        19093900         -          19093911       -          19093922       -
              1000x600   19093827   -      19093804   -         1000x700   19093873   -      19093850   -                               2600x600        19093901         -          19093912       -          19093923       -
              1100x600   19093828   -      19093805   -         1100x700   19093874   -      19093851   -                               2800x600        19093902         -          19093913       -          19093924       -

              1200x600   19093829   -      19093806   -         1200x700   19093875   -      19093852   -                          700 Range
              1300x600   19093830   -      19093807   -         1300x700   19093876   -      19093853   -
                                                                                                                                        DIMENSIONS    BOWL TO THE RIGHT  €        BOWL TO THE LEFT  €        BOWL IN CENTER  €
                                                                                                                                          (mm)          TTW-B1R-7                   TTW-B1L-7                 TTW-B1C-7
              1400x600   19093831   -      19093808   -         1400x700   19093877   -      19093854   -
                                                                                                                                        1000x700        19093925         -          19093936       -          19093947       -
              1500x600   19093832   -      19093809   -         1500x700   19093878   -      19093855   -                               1200x700        19093926         -          19093937       -          19093948       -
              1600x600   19093833   -      19093810   -         1600x700   19093879   -      19093856   -                               1400x700        19093927         -          19093938       -          19093949       -
              1700x600   19093834   -      19093811   -         1700x700   19093880   -      19093857   -                               1500x700        19093928         -          19093939       -          19093950       -
                                                                                                                                        1600x700        19093929         -          19093940       -          19093951       -
              1800x600   19093835   -      19093812   -         1800x700   19093881   -      19093858   -
                                                                                                                                        1800x700        19093930         -          19093941       -          19093952       -
              1900x600   19093836   -      19093813   -         1900x700   19093882   -      19093859   -
                                                                                                                                        2000x700        19093931         -          19093942       -          19093953       -
              2000x600   19093837   -      19093814   -         2000x700   19093883   -      19093860   -
                                                                                                                                        2200x700        19093932         -          19093943       -          19093954       -
              2100x600   19093838   -      19093815   -         2100x700   19093884   -      19093861   -                               2400x700        19093933         -          19093944       -          19093955       -

              2200x600   19093839   -      19093816   -         2200x700   19093885   -      19093862   -                               2600x700        19093934         -          19093945       -          19093956       -
                                                                                                                                        2800x700        19093935         -          19093946       -          19093957       -
              2300x600   19093840   -      19093817   -         2300x700   19093886   -      19093863   -
              2400x600   19093841   -      19093818   -         2400x700   19093887   -      19093864   -

              2500x600   19093842   -      19093819   -         2500x700   19093888   -      19093865   -                                          Wall brackets                           DESCRIPTION  MODEL      CODE      €/ UNIT
              2600x600   19093843   -      19093820   -         2600x700   19093889   -      19093866   -                                          - Made from stainless steel.
                                                                                                                                                   - Compatible with worktops and 600/700 range    Wall bracket  C-6  19092785  -
              2700x600   19093844   -      19093821   -         2700x700   19093890   -      19093867   -
                                                                                                                                                     sinks, except 600 x 600 mm and pot wash sinks.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Bracket with leg  CP-6   19092786     -
              2800x600   19093845   -      19093822   -         2800x700   19093891   -      19093868   -

                                                           457                                                                                                                    458
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