Page 1137 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1137

Fagor Professional                                                                                                 Foodservice | Static preparation

                                                                                                                                                                         Option customization in
             Side panel                                                                                                            Shelves                               length

             - Designed to protect walkways and    - Ease of assembly without the need for                                          - Made from AISI-304 18/10       - Better space usage since shelves
               divide storage areas.        welding.                                                                                  stainless steel with satin finish.    could be added and assembled
             - Made from stainless steel.  - To be assembled to tables with shelf.                                                  - Lower base reinforced with       later.
                                                                                                                                      profile to guarantee greater       - Assembly by fixing four (4)
                                                                                                                                      robustness.               screws.                                     NS-614           See options

                   RANGE          MODEL            CODE          €
                                                                                                                                        TABLE SIZE (mm)  CODE (500 RANGE)  €       CODE (600 RANGE)  €         CODE (700 RANGE)  €
                                                                                                                                                             NS-5                     NS-6                        NS-7
                    500            SP-5           19092808       -                                                                          600            19094209      -           19094220        -          19094239        -
                                                                                                                                            700               -          --          19094221        -          19094240        -
                    600            SP-6           19092809       -
                                                                               SP                BP
                                                                                                                                            800            19094210      -           19094222        -          19094241        -
                    700            SP-7           19092810       -                                                                          900               -          -           19094223        -          19094242        -
                                                                                                                                           1000            19094211      -           19094224        -          19094243        -
                                                                                                                                           1100               -          -           19094225        -          19094244        -
            Back panel                                                                         Option customization in                     1200            19094212      -           19094226        -          19094245        -
                                                                                                                                           1300               -          -           19094227        -          19094246        -
            - Designed to protect walkways and divide      - Ease of assembly without the need for
              storage areas.                   welding.                                                                                    1400            19094213      -           19094228        -          19094247        -
            - Made from stainless steel.     - To be assembled to tables with shelf.                                                       1500            19094214      -           19094229        -          19094248        -
                                                                                                     See options
                                                                                                                                           1600            19094215      -           19094230        -          19094249        -
                 MODEL      TABLE SIZE (mm)  CODE      €          MODEL       TABLE SIZE (mm)  CODE     €                                  1700               -          -           19094231        -          19094250        -
                                                                                                                                           1800            19094216      -           19094232        -          19094251        -
                 BP-6          600         19094184    -           BP-16         1600        19094194    -
                                                                                                                                           1900               -          -           19094233        -          19094252        -
                 BP-7          700         19094185    -           BP-17         1700        19094195    -                                 2000            19094217      -           19094234        -          19094253        -
                 BP-8          800         19094186    -
                                                                   BP-18         1800        19094196    -                                 2200            19094218      -           19094235        -          19094254        -
                 BP-9          900         19094187    -                                                                                   2400            19094219      -           19094236        -          19094255        -
                                                                   BP-19         1900        19094197    -
                 BP-10         1000        19094188    -                                                                                   2600               -          -           19094237        -          19094256        -
                                                                   BP-20         2000        19094198    -
                 BP-11         1100        19094189    -                                                                                   2800               -          -           19094238        -          19094257        -
                                                                   BP-22         2200        19094199    -
                 BP-12         1200        19094190    -
                                                                   BP-24         2400        19094200    -
                 BP-13         1300        19094191    -
                 BP-14         1400        19094192    -           BP-26         2600        19094201    -                         Sorting hole lid
                 BP-15         1500        19094193    -           BP-28         2800        19094202    -                         - Specially designed to be placed on the sorting hole to
                                                                                                                                   cover it.

             Detached side splash                                                                                                                       MODEL                                       CODE                       €

                                                                                                                                                       RL-232                                     19092820                     -
             - Specially designed to be assembled    - Made from AISI-304 18/10 stainless
               easily on any sink.         steel.
                                                                                                                                    Castor kit
                                                                                                                                    - Ø125 mm castors.
                      RANGE                 MODEL                  CODE                 POSITION         €
                                                                                                                                    - Assembled in the square legs of 40 x 40 mm.
                                            TPB-5 R              19092811                Right           -
                                            TPB-5 L              19092812                 Left           -
                                                                                                                                             MODEL                 CODE               No. CASTORS          TABLE LENGTH        €
                                            TPB-6 R              19092813                Right           -
                                            TPB-6 L              19092814                 Left           -                                   CK-4                19092817                4                 <= 2000 mm          -
                                            TPB-7 R              19092815                Right           -                                   CK-5                19092818                5              corner tables with door  -
                                            TPB-7 L              19092816                 Left           -                                   CK-6                19092819                6                  > 2000 mm          -

                                                           463                                                                                                                    464
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