Page 1135 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1135

Fagor Professional                                                                                                 Foodservice | Static preparation

            Wall-mounted tables with drawers                                                                                       Waste collection tables

                                                                                                                                                                    - Worktop made from AISI-304 18/10       - Square section stainless steel legs 40 x
                                                                                                                                                                      stainless steel with satin finish          40 mm.
                                             - Closed structure with module with three (3)    - Effective dimensions of the drawer 304 x                              and reinforced with profiles.  - Rear legs set back 40 mm for floors with
                                               drawers.                         435 x 105 mm.                                                                       - Sorting hole with rubber ring to throw waste.      sanitary radius.
                                             - Lower base reinforced with profile to       - 850 mm height with stainless steel height-                               A waste bin (not included) with maximum     - 850 mm height with stainless steel height-
                                               guarantee greater robustness.    adjustable feet (-10 mm / + 50 mm).                                                   diameter of 460 mm could be placed under      adjustable feet (-10 mm / + 50 mm).
                                                                                                                                                                      the counter.
                                             - Removable drawers with telescopic sliding    - Supplied assembled.                                                                                    - Supplied assembled.
                                               guides.                                                                                                              - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm, 50 mm front
                                   See options                                                                                                           See options    edge with welded corners.

                    RANGE             MODEL             CODE           DIMENSIONS (mm)    DRAWERS        €
                                                                                                                                             RANGE                 MODEL                  CODE               DIMENSIONS (mm)    €
                    600              TWDR3-65          19094112        500x600x850           3           -
                                                                                                                                             600                  TWD-R-67              19094110             700x600x850        -
                    700              TWDR3-75          19094113        500x700x850           3           -
                                                                                                                                             700                  TWD-R-77              19094111             700x700x850        -

             Corner tables                                                                                                         Recycling tables

                                                                                                                                   - Designed for the classification and         40 x 40 mm.          - 850 mm height with stainless steel height-
                                             With intermediate shelves                                                               collection of waste.           - Ø195 mm holes for placing rubber rings.    adjustable feet (-10 mm / + 50 mm).
                                                                                                                                   - Worktop made from AISI-304 18/10                                 - Supplied disassembled.
                                B            - Shelf made from stainless steel with satin     adjustable feet (-10 mm / + 50 mm).    stainless steel with satin finish and       - Rubber ring (not included) to throw waste.
                                               finish and reinforcements in profile.                                                 reinforced with profiles.        A waste bin (not included) with maximum     - Option shipped assembled.
                       A                                                      - Supplied disassembled.                                                                diameter of 460 mm could be placed under
                                             - Shelf assembly done by fixing four (4)       - Option shipped assembled.            - Square section stainless steel legs         the counter.
                                             - 850 mm height with stainless steel height-
                                   See options

                      DIMENSIONS (mm)        MODEL      WITH ONE (1)   €        MODEL   WITH TWO (2)   €
                                                         SHELF                           SHELVES
                   A             B
                        600 x 600           T90WS1-66   19094114      -        T90WS2-66  19094118    -

                        700 x 700           T90WS1-77   19094115      -        T90WS2-77  19094119    -                                                                  See options                                      See options
                        600 x 700           T90WS1-67   19094116      -        T90WS2-67  19094120    -
                                                                                                                                   Wall-mounted                                      Central
                        700 x 600           T90WS1-76   19094117      -        T90WS2-76  19094121    -
                                                                                                                                       MODEL     CODE   DIMENSIONS (mm)  HOLES  €        MODEL     CODE   DIMENSIONS (mm)  HOLES  €
                                                                                                                                     ADULTS                                           ADULTS
                                             With door                                                                               TWLR-R-612  19094126  1200x600x850  2    -       TCLR-R-612  19094124  1200x600x850  2     -
                                             - Closed structure with doors.   adjustable feet (-10 mm / + 50 mm).                    TWLR-R-617  19094127  1700x600x850  3    -       TCLR-R-617  19094125  1700x600x850  3     -
                                             - Lower base reinforced with profile to       - Supplied assembled.
                                               guarantee greater robustness.  - Option door lock.                                    KIDS                                             KIDS
                                             - 850 mm height with stainless steel height-
                                                                                                                                     TWLR-R-K-612  19094260  1200x600x700  2  -       TCLR-R-K-612  19094258  1200x600x700  2   -
                                                                                                                                     TWLR-R-K-617  19094261  1700x600x700  3  -       TCLR-R-K-617  19094259  1700x600x700  3   -
                                   See options

                      RANGE                 MODEL                  CODE               DIMENSIONS (mm)    €
                                                                                                                                                         Rubber ring                      MODEL       CODE        COLOR        €
                      600                  T90WD-6               19094122           1000x1000x600x850    -                                               - Removable internal Ø162 mm
                                                                                                                                                           rubber ring that facilitates       R-Y232  19092787    Yellow       -
                      700                  T90WD-7               19094123           1000x1000x700x850    -
                                                                                                                                                           the identification of the container.  R-B232  19092788  Blue        -
                                                                                                                                                         - Easy to clean and disinfect.  R-R232      19092789      Red         -
                                                                                                                                                                                         R-G232      19092790      Green       -

                                                           459                                                                                                                    460
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