Page 917 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 917
Fagor Professional Foodservice | Cooking
A unique solution The perfect worktop Wide range
of products
for your kitchen for your kitchen
The KORE Monoblock range has been The worktop is designed as one single KORE Monoblock offers integration and Availability
designed to offer all the benefits of our piece, without joints or gaps, so you functionality and is the ideal finish for your
can ensure an impeccable level of
modular units; combined in a single worktop cleaning. All of this is in addition to an workspace. The perfect worktop to bring your
kitchen together in the same style, making it
that also brings great advantages. elegant aesthetic that is intricately look more impressive. Cost
designed to draw everyone’s attention.
Configuring the ideal block is easier than ever, A solution that guarantees optimum
thanks to the possibility of combining the hygiene and durability for your Product
equipment, thanks to its robust design
modular units of the KORE 900 and KORE 700 created to withstand intensive work certifications
range as you wish. levels and offer maximum
Hygiene and cleaning
Robust design
and versatility
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