Page 922 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 922

Fagor Professional                                                                                                    Foodservice | Cooking

            Gas solid tops                                                                                                         Paella cookers

            General characteristics                                                                                                General characteristics

            - Stamped surface tops manufactured in      - High temperature enamelled cast iron       - Guides at three heights to offer different      - Stamped surface tops manufactured in      - High temperature enamelled cast iron       - Temperature controlled by thermostatic
              2 mm thick AISI-304 stainless steel.    flue protector aligned with the hobs,         working options.                 2 mm thick AISI-304 stainless steel.    flue protector aligned with the hobs,         valve (125 – 350°C).
            - Laser-cut joints, automatic welding and        facilitating manoeuvrability and support of    - Guides with “U” shape to prevent the trays    - Laser-cut joints, automatic welding and        facilitating manoeuvrability          - Tubular stainless steel burner at the front;
                                                                                from tipping.
              polished.                        the containers, increasing the         - Temperature controlled by thermostatic        polished.                       and support of the containers, increasing       operates with temperature gradient. Pilot
            - 10 mm thick cast iron plate with rounded       useful surface area.    valve (125 – 310 °C).                         - Double crown burner with four rows         the useful surface area.    with piezoelectric ignition and
              corners. 300 mm diameter surface.  - Access to the components from the front.  - Tubular stainless steel burner, with pilot and      of flames in each, guaranteeing       - Access to the components from the front.    thermocouple.
            - Refractory brick with cast iron shield inside                     thermocouple, and piezoelectric ignition.            the even distribution of heat from the flame                     - Oven floor manufactured in stainless steel.
              to take better advantage of the heat and
              distribute it better.          OVEN                             - Oven floor manufactured in 6 mm cast iron,           to the bottom of the paella pan.   PAELLA OVEN                   - Side opening double panel door.
                                                                                guaranteeing better performance and even
            - Temperatures for differentiated use: 500 °C                       heat distribution.                                 - Low consumption pilot and thermocouple.  - 665 x 665 x 325 mm static paella oven, with
              at the centre and 200 °C near the edges.   - Easy to use static GN 2/1 size oven, with the    - Fibreglass closing seal to improve the       - Gas conduction in flexible stainless steel       the controls located on the top panel.
            - Low consumption pilot and thermocouple.    controls positioned on the upper panel.    oven’s thermal efficiency.       tube, making internal manipulation easier     - Stainless steel cooking chamber, making it
            - Gas conduction in flexible stainless steel     - Stainless steel cooking chamber, making it                            and facilitating any repair work.    easier to clean and provides better hygiene.
                                               easier to clean and provides better hygiene.
              tube, making internal manipulation easier     - Tray introduced sideways, making it easier                           - Controls set on a protective base with
              and facilitating any repair work.    to handle.                                                                        system against water infiltration.
            - Controls set on a protective base with
              system against water infiltration.

                    MODEL    GAS   CODE     SOLID TOP  BURNERS  OVEN          TOTAL POWER  DIMENSIONS    €                                  MODEL  GAS CODE  BURNERS                   OVEN             TOTAL   DIMENSIONS    €
                                            (mm)                              (KW)       (mm)                                                                                                           POWER   (mm)
                                                                                                                                                             Ø OUTER  Ø INNER                           (KW)
                                                    11,0 KW  DIMENSIONS  POWER (KW)                                                                          CROWN (mm)  CROWN (mm)  POWER (KW)  SIZE  POWER (KW)
            Solid top                                                                                                               Boiling top
                             LPG    19075517                                                                                                      LPG 19075573
                    C-G910                   800x700  1      -        -       11,00      800x930x290     -                                C-GP910             450     330     27,00    -       -        27,00   800x930x290  -
                             NG     19075518                                                                                                      NG  19075574
            Solid top with oven                                                                                                     With oven
                             LPG    19075519                                                                                                      LPG 19075575
                    C-G911                   800x700  1      GN-2/1   8,60    19,60      800x930x850     -                                C-GP911             450     330     27,00    665x665x325 7,30  34,30  800x930x850  -
                             NG     19075520                                                                                                      NG  19075576

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