Page 1141 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1141

Fagor Professional                                                                                                 Foodservice | Static preparation

            Elements with shelves                                                               Option customization in            Elements with sliding doors                                                         Option customization in

                                                              - Worktop made from AISI-304      - 850 mm height with stainless                                                       - Worktop made from AISI-304      - 850 mm height with stainless
                                                                18/10 stainless steel with satin       steel height-adjustable feet                                                    18/10 stainless steel with satin       steel height-adjustable feet
                                                                finish.                  (-10 mm / + 50 mm).                                                                           finish.                  (-10 mm / + 50 mm).
                                                              - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm       - Supplied assembled.                                                                - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm       - Supplied assembled.
                                                                and 50 mm front edge with                                                                                              and 50 mm front edge with
                                                                welded corners.                                                                                                        welded corners.        - Option door lock.
                                                              - Modular element with closed                                                                                          - Modular element with closed
                                                                structure made from stainless                                                                                          structure made from stainless
                                                                steel, fully integrable with                                                                                           steel, fully integrable with
                                                                the rest of neutral and hot                                                                                            the rest of neutral and
                                                                elements, through a common or                                                                                          hot elements, through
                                                                independent worktop.                                                                                                   a common or independent
                                                              - Lower base reinforced with                                                                                             worktop.
                                                                profile to guarantee greater                                                                                         - Lower base reinforced with
                                                                robustness.                                                                                                            profile to guarantee greater
                                TMWS1-614         See options                                                                                          TMWD-614          See options

             600 Range                                                                                                             600 Range

              DIMENSIONS (mm)  WALL-  €     CENTRAL   €      WITHOUT   €    PASSTHROUGH  €   PASSTHROUGH   €                         DIMENSIONS   WALL-  €    CENTRAL  €    WITHOUT   €    FOR WORK-   €  PASSTHROUGH  €  PASSTHROUGH   €
                           MOUNTED                           WORKTOP                           WORKTOP                                 (mm)    MOUNTED                      WORKTOP       TOPS WITH                    WORKTOP
                           TMWS1-6          TMCS1-6          TMS1-6 SE        TMPS1-6         TMPS1-6 SE                                        TMWD-6        TMCD-6        TMD-6 SE      TMD-6 OB SE     TMDP-6       TMDP-6 SE
               600x600x850  19094353  -    19094363   -     19094373   -     19094313   -     19094323   -
                                                                                                                                    1000x600x850  19094437  -  19094443  -  19094449  -   19094455  -    19094413  -   19094419  -
               800x600x850  19094354  -    19094364   -     19094374   -     19094314   -     19094324   -
              1000x600x850  19094355  -    19094365   -     19094375   -     19094315   -     19094325   -
                                                                                                                                    1200x600x850  19094438  -  19094444  -  19094450  -   19094456  -    19094414  -   19094420  -
              1200x600x850  19094356  -    19094366   -     19094376   -     19094316   -     19094326   -
              1400x600x850  19094357  -    19094367   -     19094377   -     19094317   -     19094327   -                          1400x600x850  19094439  -  19094445  -  19094451  -   19094457  -    19094415  -   19094421  -
              1600x600x850  19094358  -    19094368   -     19094378   -     19094318   -     19094328   -
                                                                                                                                    1600x600x850  19094440  -  19094446  -  19094452  -   19094458  -    19094416  -   19094422  -
              1800x600x850  19094359  -    19094369   -     19094379   -     19094319   -     19094329   -
              2000x600x850  19094360  -    19094370   -     19094380   -     19094320   -     19094330   -                          1800x600x850  19094441  -  19094447  -  19094453  -   19094459  -    19094417  -   19094423  -
              2200x600x850  19094361  -    19094371   -     19094381   -     19094321   -     19094331   -
                                                                                                                                    2000x600x850  19094442  -  19094448  -  19094454  -   19094460  -    19094418  -   19094424  -
              2400x600x850  19094362  -    19094372   -     19094382   -     19094322   -     19094332   -
             700 Range                                                                                                             700 Range

              DIMENSIONS (mm)  WALL-  €     CENTRAL   €      WITHOUT   €    PASSTHROUGH  €   PASSTHROUGH   €                         DIMENSIONS   WALL-  €    CENTRAL  €    WITHOUT   €     FOR WORK-   €  PASSTHROUGH  €  PASSTHROUGH   €
                           MOUNTED                           WORKTOP                          WORKTOP                                  (mm)    MOUNTED                      WORKTOP        TOPS WITH                   WORKTOP
                           TMWS1-7          TMCS1-7          TMS1-7 SE        TMPS1-7         TMPS1-7 SE                                        TMWD-7        TMCD-7        TMD-7 SE      TMD-7 OB SE     TMDP-7       TMDP-7 SE
              600x700x850  19094383   -    19094393   -     19094403   -     19094333   -     19094343   -
                                                                                                                                    1000x700x850  19094461  -  19094467  -  19094473  -   19094479  -    19094425  -   19094431  -
              800x700x850  19094384   -    19094394   -     19094404   -     19094334   -     19094344   -
              1000x700x850  19094385  -    19094395   -     19094405   -     19094335   -     19094345   -
                                                                                                                                    1200x700x850  19094462  -  19094468  -  19094474  -   19094480  -    19094426  -   19094432  -
              1200x700x850  19094386  -    19094396   -     19094406   -     19094336   -     19094346   -
              1400x700x850  19094387  -    19094397   -     19094407   -     19094337   -     19094347   -                          1400x700x850  19094463  -  19094469  -  19094475  -   19094481  -    19094427  -   19094433  -
              1600x700x850  19094388  -    19094398   -     19094408   -     19094338   -     19094348   -
                                                                                                                                    1600x700x850  19094464  -  19094470  -  19094476  -   19094482  -    19094428  -   19094434  -
              1800x700x850  19094389  -    19094399   -     19094409   -     19094339   -     19094349   -
              2000x700x850  19094390  -    19094400   -     19094410   -     19094340   -     19094350   -                          1800x700x850  19094465  -  19094471  -  19094477  -   19094483  -    19094429  -   19094435  -
              2200x700x850  19094391  -    19094401   -     19094411   -     19094341   -     19094351   -
                                                                                                                                    2000x700x850  19094466  -  19094472  -  19094478  -   19094484  -    19094430  -   19094436  -
              2400x700x850  19094392  -    19094402   -     19094412   -     19094342   -     19094352   -

                                                           471                                                                                                                    472
   1136   1137   1138   1139   1140   1141   1142   1143   1144   1145   1146