Page 1143 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1143

Fagor Professional                                                                                                 Foodservice | Static preparation

            Elements with sliding doors and drawers

                                                                                                  Option customization in

                                 TMWDDR3R-614                        TMWDDR3L-614                    See options

            - Worktop made from AISI-304 18/10 stainless steel with satin finish.  - Intermediate shelf made from stainless steel, adjustable in height
            - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm and 50 mm front edge with welded        and reinforced with profiles.
              corners.                                        - Module with three (3) drawers included.
            - Modular element with closed structure made from stainless steel,    - Removable drawers with telescopic sliding guides.
              fully integrable with the rest of neutral and hot elements, through a    - Effective dimensions of the drawer 304 x 435 x 105 mm.
              common or independent worktop.
            - Lower base reinforced with profile to guarantee greater robustness.  - Supplied assembled.
            - 850 mm height elements with stainless steel height-adjustable feet    - Option door lock.
              (-10 mm / + 50 mm).

             Drawers at the right                                                                                                  Drawers at the left

                                                                                                                                   600 Range
             600 Range

                DIMENSIONS (mm)  WALL-MOUNTED      €          CENTRAL        €        WITHOUT WORKTOP  €                               DIMENSIONS (mm)  WALL-MOUNTED      €          CENTRAL        €        WITHOUT WORKTOP  €
                                  TMWDDR3R-6                 TMCDDR3R-6                TMDDR3R-6 SE                                                      TMWDDR3L-6                  TMCDDR3L-6               TMDDR3L-6 SE
                1400x600x850      19094579         -          19094585       -         19094591        -                               1400x600x850      19094543         -          19094549       -         19094555        -
                1600x600x850      19094580         -          19094586       -         19094592        -                               1600x600x850      19094544         -          19094550       -         19094556        -
                1800x600x850      19094581         -          19094587       -         19094593        -                               1800x600x850      19094545         -          19094551       -         19094557        -
                2000x600x850      19094582         -          19094588       -         19094594        -                               2000x600x850      19094546         -          19094552       -         19094558        -
                2200x600x850      19094583         -          19094589       -         19094595        -                               2200x600x850      19094547         -          19094553       -         19094559        -
                2400x600x850      19094584         -          19094590       -         19094596        -                               2400x600x850      19094548         -          19094554       -         19094560        -

             700 Range                                                                                                             700 Range

                DIMENSIONS (mm)  WALL-MOUNTED      €          CENTRAL        €        WITHOUT WORKTOP  €                               DIMENSIONS (mm)  WALL-MOUNTED      €          CENTRAL        €        WITHOUT WORKTOP  €
                                  TMWDDR3R-7                 TMCDDR3R-7                TMDDR3R-7 SE                                                      TMWDDR3L-7                  TMCDDR3L-7               TMDDR3L-7 SE
                1400x700x850      19094597         -          19094603       -         19094609        -                               1400x700x850      19094561         -          19094567       -         19094573        -
                1600x700x850      19094598         -          19094604       -         19094610        -                               1600x700x850      19094562         -          19094568       -         19094574        -
                1800x700x850      19094599         -          19094605       -         19094611        -                               1800x700x850      19094563         -          19094569       -         19094575        -
                2000x700x850      19094600         -          19094606       -         19094612        -                               2000x700x850      19094564         -          19094570       -         19094576        -
                2200x700x850      19094601         -          19094607       -         19094613        -                               2200x700x850      19094565         -          19094571       -         19094577        -
                2400x700x850      19094602         -          19094608       -         19094614        -                               2400x700x850      19094566         -          19094572       -         19094578        -

                                                           475                                                                                                                    476
   1138   1139   1140   1141   1142   1143   1144   1145   1146   1147   1148