Page 1145 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1145

Fagor Professional                                                                                                 Foodservice | Static preparation

            600 mm height elements                                                                                                 Corner elements

                                                                                                                                                    500 mm

                                                Option customization in
                          TM6W-612                                          TM6WHD-68               See options                                          TM90W-6 R                                                         See options

            - Worktop made from AISI-304 18/10 stainless steel with satin finish.  - Lower base reinforced with profile to guarantee greater robustness.  - Worktop made from AISI-304 18/10 stainless steel with satin finish.  - Lower base reinforced with profile to guarantee greater robustness.
            - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm and 50 mm front edge with welded      - Designed to support cooking appliances and place the working      - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm and 50 mm front edge with welded      - 850 mm height elements with stainless steel height-adjustable feet
              corners.                                          height at 850-900 mm. With stainless steel height-adjustable feet      corners.                                        (-10 mm / + 50 mm).
            - Modular element with closed structure made from stainless steel,      (-10 mm / + 50 mm).                            - Modular element with closed structure made from stainless steel,    - Supplied assembled.
              fully integrable with the rest of 600 mm-height neutral elements,     - Supplied assembled.                            fully integrable with the rest of neutral and hot elements, through an
            through a common or independent worktop.                                                                                 independent worktop.                            - Option door lock.
                                                              - Option door lock (Elements with swing doors).
                                                                                                                                   - Designed to optimize the space in the corners while maintaining a
                                                                                                                                     homogeneous line next to neutral and hot elements.
             Open elements                                                                                                         Closed corner elements

                DIMENSIONS (mm)  WALL-MOUNTED      €          CENTRAL        €        WITHOUT WORKTOP  €                           - Specially designed with a coupling module for one (1) swing door to    - Requires worktop with 500 mm overhang on coupling module.
                                 TM6W-6 | TM6W-7            TM6C-6 | TM6C-7           TM6-6 SE | TM6-7 SE                            facilitate the connection to another worktop.   - Straight corners.
               600 RANGE                                                                                                           600 Range                                         700 Range
                 600x600x600      19094690         -         19094696        -         19094702        -
                 800x600x600      19094691         -         19094697        -         19094703        -                               MODEL     CODE  DIMENSIONS (mm)  POSITION  €     MODEL     CODE   DIMENSIONS (mm)  POSITION  €
                1000x600x600      19094692         -         19094698        -         19094704        -
                                                                                                                                     TM90W-6 R  19094621  1100x600x850  Right  -      TM90W-7 R  19094623  1200x700x850  Right  -
                1200x600x600      19094693         -         19094699        -         19094705        -
                                                                                                                                     TM90W-6 L  19094622  1100x600x850  Left  -       TM90W-7 L  19094624  1200x700x850  Left   -
                1400x600x600      19094694         -         19094700        -         19094706        -
                1600x600x600      19094695         -         19094701        -         19094707        -                           Corner elements with door
               700 RANGE
                 600x700x600      19094708         -         19094714        -         19094720        -                           600 Range                                         700 Range
                 800x700x600      19094709         -         19094715        -         19094721        -
                                                                                                                                        MODEL        CODE      DIMENSIONS (mm)  €         MODEL        CODE      DIMENSIONS (mm)  €
                1000x700x600      19094710         -         19094716        -         19094722        -
                1200x700x600      19094711         -         19094717        -         19094723        -                               TM90WD-6     19094625  1000x1000x600x850  -      TM90WD-7     19094626  1000x1000x700x850  -
                1400x700x600      19094712         -         19094718        -         19094724        -
                1600x700x600      19094713         -         19094719        -         19094725        -
                                                                                                                                   Waste collection elements
             Elements with                                                                                                                                                                                                 See options
             swing doors
                                                                                                                                   - Corner elements with door                       - Sorting hole with rubber ring to throw waste. A waste bin (not
                DIMENSIONS (mm)  WALL-MOUNTED      €          CENTRAL        €        WITHOUT WORKTOP  €                           - Modular element with closed structure made from stainless steel,      included) with maximum diameter of 360 mm could be placed under
                                                                                                                                                                                       the counter.
                                TM6WHD-6 | TM6WHD-7        TM6CHD-6 | TM6CHD-7       TM6HD-6 SE | TM6HD-7 SE                         fully integrable with the rest of neutral and hot elements, through a
                                                                                                                                     common or independent worktop.                  - Supplied assembled.
               600 RANGE                                                                                                           - 850 mm height elements with stainless steel height-adjustable feet
                 400x600x600      19094726         -         19094730        -          19094734       -                             (-10 mm / + 50 mm).
                 600x600x600      19094727         -         19094731        -          19094735       -
                 800x600x600      19094728         -         19094732        -          19094736       -
                1000x600x600      19094729         -         19094733        -          19094737       -
               700 RANGE
                 400x700x600      19094738         -         19094742        -          19094746       -                             RANGE  DIMENSIONS (mm)  MODEL  WALL-  €     MODEL   CENTRAL   €       MODEL    WITHOUT    €
                                                                                                                                                                MOUNTED                                             WORKTOP
                 600x700x600      19094739         -         19094743        -          19094747       -
                 800x700x600      19094740         -         19094744        -          19094748       -                              600   600x600x850  TMWD-R-66  19094615  -  TMCD-R-66  19094616  -  TMD-R-66 SE  19094617  -
                1000x700x600      19094741         -         19094745        -          19094749       -                              700   600x700x850  TMWD-R-76  19094618  -  TMCD-R-76  19094619  -  TMD-R-76 SE  19094620  -

                                                           479                                                                                                                    480
   1140   1141   1142   1143   1144   1145   1146   1147   1148   1149   1150