Page 1144 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1144

Fagor Professional                                                                                                 Foodservice | Static preparation

            Hot elements                                                                                                           700 Range

                                                                                                                                                                         WALL-               CENTRAL              WITHOUT
                                                                                                                                     DIMENSIONS (mm)  Hz  VOLTAGE  POWER (W)  MOUNTED  €                 €        WORKTOP     €
                                                                                                                                                                        TMWH-7                TMCH-7              TMH-7 SE
                                                                                                                                     1200x700x850  50/60  230V 1N  1565  19094685   -       19094653     -       19094658     -

                                                                                                                                     1400x700x850  50/60  230V 1N  1565  19094686   -       19094654     -       19094659     -
                                                                                                                                     1600x700x850  50/60  230V 1N  2600  19094687   -       19094655     -       19094660     -

                                                                                                                                     1800x700x850  50/60  230V 1N  2600  19094688   -       19094656     -       19094661     -
                                                                                                                                     2000x700x850  50/60  230V 1N  3000  19094689   -       19094657     -       19094662     -

                                                         TMWH-614                                   See options

            - Worktop made from AISI-304 18/10 stainless steel with satin finish.  - Forced hot air distribution system. Resistor-fan system enables a
            - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm and 50 mm front edge with welded        fast heating up and produces an efficient air circulation inside.
              corners.                                        - Wool rock insulation.
                                                                                                                                      DIMENSIONS (mm)  Hz  VOLTAGE  POWER (W)    PASSTHROUGH     €          WITHOUT WORKTOP  €
            - Modular element with closed structure made from stainless steel,    - Electronic thermostat, with digital display, to control and regulate the                       TMPH-7                     TMPH-7 SE
              fully integrable with the rest of neutral elements, through a common      temperature at desired set point.
              or independent worktop.                         - Working temperature: from +30 °C to +90 °C.                           1200x700x850  50/60  230V 1N   2600        19094671        -           19094676        -
            - Lower base reinforced with profile to guarantee greater robustness.  - Supplied assembled.                              1400x700x850  50/60  230V 1N   2600        19094672        -           19094677        -
            - 850 mm height elements with stainless steel height-adjustable feet    - Option door lock.
              (-10 mm / + 50 mm).                                                                                                     1600x700x850  50/60  230V 1N   2600        19094673        -           19094678        -
                                                                                                                                      1800x700x850  50/60  230V 1N   3000        19094674        -           19094679        -
                                                                                                                                      2000x700x850  50/60  230V 1N   3000        19094675        -           19094680        -

                                                                                                                                   Elements with rack module
             600 Range

              DIMENSIONS (mm)  Hz  VOLTAGE  POWER (W)  WALL-MOUNTED  €  CENTRAL   €        WORKTOP     €                                                                         - Worktop made from AISI-304      - Designed to store grids or pans.
                                                 TMWH-6                TMCH-6              TMH-6 SE                                                                                18/10 stainless steel with satin     - Lower base reinforced with profile
                                                                                                                                                                                 finish.                      to guarantee greater robustness.
              1200x600x850  50/60  230V 1N  1565  19094681   -       19094645     -       19094649     -
                                                                                                                                                                                 - Backsplash of 100 x 15 mm and    - 850 mm height elements with
                                                                                                                                                                                   50 mm front edge with welded
              1400x600x850  50/60  230V 1N  1565  19094682   -       19094646     -       19094650     -                                                                           corners.                   stainless steel height-adjustable
                                                                                                                                                                                                              feet (-10 mm / + 50 mm).
                                                                                                                                                                                 - Modular element with closed
              1600x600x850  50/60  230V 1N  2600  19094683   -       19094647     -       19094651     -                                                                                                    - Supplied assembled.
                                                                                                                                                                                   structure made from stainless
                                                                                                                                                                                   steel, fully integrable with the rest
              1800x600x850  50/60  230V 1N  2600  19094684   -       19094648     -       19094652     -                                             TMC-78 GN        See options    of neutral and hot elements,
                                                                                                                                                                                   through a common or independent
                                                                                                                                   600 Range                                       worktop.
                                                                                                                                     CAPACITY  DIMENSIONS (mm)  MODEL  WALL-  €    MODEL  CENTRAL   €       MODEL    WITHOUT   €
                                                                                                                                                                 MOUNTED                                            WORKTOP
                                                                                                                                    1xGN 1/1  400x600x850  TMW-64 GN  19094627  -  TMC-64 GN 19094629  -  TM-64 GN SE  19094631  -
              DIMENSIONS (mm)  Hz  VOLTAGE  POWER (W)     PASSTHROUGH     €          WITHOUT WORKTOP  €                             2xGN 1/1  800x600x850  TMW-68 GN  19094628  -  TMC-68 GN 19094630  -  TM-68 GN SE  19094632  -
                                                            TMPH-6                     TMPH-6 SE
                                                                                                                                   700 Range
              1200x600x850  50/60  230V 1N   1565         19094663        -            19094667        -
                                                                                                                                     CAPACITY  DIMENSIONS (mm)  MODEL  WALL-  €    MODEL  CENTRAL   €       MODEL    WITHOUT   €
              1400x600x850  50/60  230V 1N   2600         19094664        -            19094668        -                                                         MOUNTED                                            WORKTOP
              1600x600x850  50/60  230V 1N   2600         19094665        -            19094669        -                            1xGN 1/1  400x700x850  TMW-74 GN  19094633  -  TMC-74 GN 19094637  -  TM-74 GN SE  19094641  -
                                                                                                                                    1x600x400  500x700x850  TMW-75 P  19094634  -  TMC-75 P  19094638  -  TM-75 P SE  19094642  -
              1800x600x850  50/60  230V 1N   3000         19094666        -            19094670        -
                                                                                                                                    2xGN 1/1  800x700x850  TMW-78 GN  19094635  -  TMC-78 GN 19094639  -  TM-78 GN SE  19094643  -
                                                                                                                                    2x600x400  1000x700x850  TMW-710 P  19094636  -  TMC-710 P 19094640  -  TM-710 P SE  19094644  -

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