Page 1099 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1099

Fagor Professional                                                                                                   Foodservice | Distribution

           Wet bain marie well                                                                                                     Cold-hot mixed elements
           - Heating system with hidden silicon heaters attached to the bottom of the
           - Wet bain-marie system guarantees the best uniformity in heat distribution
            over the surface of the GN pans.
           - Automatic filling: if water falls below a certain level, then sensor automatically
            activates electro-valve to fill the well.                                                                              General characteristics
           - Manual filling: built-in water inlet with 1/2” ball electro-valve with flat tap to fill   CBMAA16-4
            the well.                                                                                                              - Specially designed to hold, display and distribute chilled or hot food on   - Mixed glass ceramic plate: 4 mm thickness, high-resistant, white colour
           - Working temperatures: +30ºC/ +90ºC.                                                                                    the same surface.                                  glass ceramic envelope completely flat.
                                                                                                                                   - Manufactured in stainless steel with satin finish.  - Mixed stainless steel plate: top plate surface manufactured in stainless
                     MODEL      CODE        DIMENSIONS (mm)  CUT-OUT   CAPACITY   WATER FILLING   POWER   €                        - Heating system by hidden silicon heaters attached to the bottom of the   steel, completely flat.
                                                         DIMENSIONS (mm)  GN 1/6  TYPE       (W)                                    plate.                                            - Working temperatures:
                     CBMA16-3   19081533    584x256x252    551x227      3     Manual with tap  810       -                         - Static refrigeration system by expanded copper coil located in its base.      · In heat mode: +30ºC/ +100ºC.
                                                                                                                                   - Wool rock insulation allowing energy savings by reducing heat loss.      · In cold mode: -8 ºC/ +5 ºC (In climate class conditions 4).
                     CBMA16-4   19081534    746x256x252    713x227      4     Manual with tap  810       -
                                                                                                                                   - Control panel with digital thermostat, protected by the structure perimeter,   - 220-240V 1N~ 50/60Hz.
                     CBMAA16-3  19081535    584x256x292    551x227      3      Automatic     820         -                          avoiding hindrances in their daily use.
                     CBMAA16-4  19081536    746x256x292    713x227      4      Automatic     820         -                         - Minimum programmed time delay for switching from cold to heat or vice
                                                                                                                                    versa, for a correct use of the equipment.

           - Specially designed to hold, display, carve and serve warm food (e.g. roast
            beef, ham, turkey breast, etc.) in show-cooking stations, keeping displayed
            product at optimum temperatures during service time.
           - Heat sources in the lower (base with water bain marie) and upper part (lamp
            with ceramic Heat) of the carving station.
           - Stainless steel, easy to clean, perforated base to place the product.
           - Automatic filling: if water falls below a certain level, then sensor
            automatically activates electro-valve to fill the well.
           - Manual filling: built-in water inlet with 1/2” ball electro-valve with flat tap to
            fill the well.                                                            TRCBMA6-1      TRCBMA6-2                                                    FPRV6-3-W                       FPRSS6-3
           - Working temperatures: +30ºC/ +90ºC.

                        AUTOMATIC FILLING                 MANUAL FILLING
                MODEL         CODE  POWER   €    MODEL       CODE    POWER     €       DIMENSIONS   CUT-OUT   CAPACITY                 MODEL         CODE   GAS     DIMENSIONS   CUT-OUT DIMENSIONS (mm)  CAPACITY   POWER (W)  COLD GROUP  €
                                     (W)                              (W)              (mm)     DIMENSIONS   GN 1/1                                                   (mm)                        GN 1/1
                                                                                                                                   MIXED WHITE GLASS CERAMIC PLATE
                TRCBMAA6-1  19079250  1300  -    TRCBMA6-1  19079228  1285     -    515x610x1005  490x585  1
                                                                                                                                       FPRV6-2-W  19092274   R-290   790x610x478     765x585       2        990      Included   -
                TRCBMAA6-2  19079251  2575  -    TRCBMA6-2  19079229  2560     -    790x610x1005  765x585  2                           FPRV6-3-W  19092275   R-290    1115x610x478   1090x585      3       1490      Included   -
                                                                                                                                   MIXED STAINLESS STEEL PLATE
                                                                                                                                       FPRSS6-2   19092278   R-290   790x610x478     765x585       2        990      Included   -
                                                                                                                                       FPRSS6-3   19092279   R-290    1115x610x478   1090x585      3       1490      Included   -

           SOUP WELL                                                                                                              Check remote versions at the end of the chapter.
           -  Specially designed to hold, display and serve liquid or gravy warm food (e.g.
            soup, broth, stew, gravy, etc.) keeping product at optimum temperatures
            during service time.
           - Dry bain-marie heating system by circular heater surrounding the well. No
            drain required.
           - Adjustment of heating power by an energy regulator.

                     MODEL               CODE         DIMENSIONS    CUT-OUT    CAPACITY    POWER         €
                                                       (mm)       DIMENSIONS (mm)  (L)      (W)
                     OS1-10              19083985     Ø 295X315     Ø 276        10L        475          -

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