Page 1100 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 1100

Fagor Professional                                                                                                   Foodservice | Distribution

            Foodshields                                                                                                          Glasses

            General characteristics                                                                                              General characteristics
            - Specially designed to improve food hygiene during service thanks to its   - Clamps to easily fasten ICC glasses, both curved or straight, one-sided or   - Tempered glasses.
             anti-breath function.                              two-sided.                                                       - Protects food on display against breaths and guests against vapors.
            - Manufactured in stainless steel with a solid and robust structure, in round   - Brackets are easily mounted on the structure by means of threaded   - Fixed by using a clamp included in the foodshield bracket.
             tube of Ø 51 mm or rectangular 60 x 30 mm.         plates.

                                                                                                                                       ICC-4-1C          ICC-R-4-1C           ICC-T-4-1C           ICC-4-2C            ICC-R-4-2C

              DDFN        ISPCCS-R-2            DDFL-4                   DDFC-R-4               DDFHT-R-4

           Foodshields with light,  halogen heat and ceramic heat  - Foodshields with halogen heat: lighting and heat by protected halogen          ICC-FP-4        ICC-R-FP-4         ICC-T-FP-4
           - 35 mm distance between the bracket and the foodshield to make   lamps, integrated side to side.
            cleaning operations easier.                        - Foodshields with ceramic heat: light and heat generated by protected
           - Foodshields with light:  high-luminosity LED lighthing. To be installled over   halogen lamps and alternating ceramic elements.  Ceramic elements
            neutral or refrigerated technical elements.         provide a more intense and concentrated heat.
                                                                                                                                 CAPACITY   MODEL   CODE  DIMENSIONS   €  MODEL    CODE    DIMENSIONS   €   MODEL    CODE   DIMENSIONS   €
                                                                                                                                  GN 1/1                 (mm)                               (mm)                            (mm)
                                                                                                                                FRONTAL GLASS
                                         GLASS SHAPE                                                                               2   ICC-2-1C 19043272  675x500x108  -  ICC-R-2-1C  19043293  675x433x123  -  ICC-T-2-1C  19087365  675x520x6  -
                                                                                                                                   3   ICC-3-1C 19043273  1000x500x108  -  ICC-R-3-1C  19043295  1000x433x123  -  ICC-T-3-1C 19087366  1000x520x6  -
                                         BRACKET           Round                                                                   Rectangular
                                                                                                                                   4   ICC-4-1C 19043274  1325x500x108  -  ICC-R-4-1C  19043296  1325x433x123  -  ICC-T-4-1C 19087367  1325x520x6   -
            CAPACITY  (mm)  DIMENSIONS   (W)  AND HZ                                                                               5   ICC-5-1C 19043275  1650x500x108  -  ICC-R-5-1C  19043297  1650x433x123  -  ICC-T-5-1C 19087368  1650x520x6  -
           NEUTRAL FOODSHIELDS                                                                                                     6   ICC-6-1C 19047838  1975x500x108  -  ICC-R-6-1C  19047843  1975x433x123  -  ICC-T-6-1C 19087363  1975x520x6  -
           1 Level  426                           DDFN  19106278     ISPCCS-R  19071964  DDFNT-R  19105717                      CENTRAL GLASS
           2 Levels  676                                             ISPCCS-R-2 19071966                                           2   ICC-2-2C 19046893   675x570x108  -  ICC-R-2-2C  19043298   675x585x123  -  -  -       -       -
           FOODSHIELDS WITH LIGHT                                                                                                  3   ICC-3-2C 19046894  1000x570x108  -  ICC-R-3-2C  19043301  1000x585x123  -  -  -       -       -
              2     426      720     15          DDFL-2  19105702  -  DDFL-R-2  19105707  -  DDFLT-R-2  19105712  -                4   ICC-4-2C 19046895  1325x570x108  -  ICC-R-4-2C  19043302  1325x585x123  -  -  -       -       -
              3     426     1045     25    100-  DDFL-3  19105703  -  DDFL-R-3  19105708  -  DDFLT-R-3  19105713  -                5   ICC-5-2C 19046896  1650x570x108  -  ICC-R-5-2C  19043303  1650x585x123  -  -  -       -       -
              4     426     1370     35    240V   DDFL-4  19105704  -  DDFL-R-4  19105709  -  DDFLT-R-4  19105714  -               6   ICC-6-2C 19047839  1975x570x108  -  ICC-R-6-2C  19047844  1975x585x123  -  -  -       -       -
              5     426     1695     45   50/60Hz  DDFL-5  19105705  -  DDFL-R-5  19105710  -  DDFLT-R-5  19105715  -
              6     426     2020     55          DDFL-6  19105706  -  DDFL-R-6  19105711  DDFLT-R-6  19105716  -                CLOSED FRONTAL GLASS
           FOOODSHIELDS WITH HALOGEN HEAT                                                                                          2   ICCS-FP-2  19072070  675x515x420  -  ICCS-R-FP-2 19072075  675x433x420  -  ICCS-T-FP-2 19105647  675x486x525  -
              2     426      720    600          DDFH-2  19105672  -  DDFH-R-2 19105677  -  DDFHT-R-2 19105682  -                  3   ICCS-FP-3  19072071  1000x515x420  -  ICCS-R-FP-3 19072076  1000x433x420  -  ICCS-T-FP-3 19105648 1000x486x525   -
              3     426     1045    900    220-  DDFH-3  19105673  -  DDFH-R-3 19105678  -  DDFHT-R-3 19105683  -                  4   ICCS-FP-4  19072072  1325x515x420  -  ICCS-R-FP-4 19072077  1325x433x420  -  ICCS-T-FP-4 19105649 1325x486x525   -
              4     426     1370    1200   240V   DDFH-4  19105674  -  DDFH-R-4 19105679  -  DDFHT-R-4 19105684  -                 5   ICCS-FP-5  19072073  1650x515x420  -  ICCS-R-FP-5 19072078  1650x433x420  -  ICCS-T-FP-5 19105670 1650x486x525   -
              5     426     1695    1500  50/60Hz  DDFH-5  19105675  -  DDFH-R-5 19105680  -  DDFHT-R-5 19105685  -                6   ICCS-FP-6  19072074  1975x515x420  -  ICCS-R-FP-6 19072079  1975x433x420  -  ICCS-T-FP-6 19105671 1975x486x525   -
              6     426     2020    1500         DDFH-6  19105676  -  DDFH-R-6 19105681  -  DDFHT-R-6 19105686  -
              2     426      720    650          DDFC-2  19105687  -  DDFC-R-2 19105692  -  DDFCT-R-2 19105697  -
              3     426     1050    1050   220-  DDFC-3  19105688  -  DDFC-R-3 19105693  -  DDFCT-R-3 19105698  -               Frontal protection glasses for neutral brackets
              4     426     1370    1450   240V   DDFC-4  19105689  -  DDFC-R-4 19105694  -  DDFCT-R-4 19105699  -              - Glass specially designed to protect the guest from an unwanted contact.
              5     426     1695    1850  50/60Hz  DDFC-5  19105690  -  DDFC-R-5 19105695  -  DDFCT-R-5 19105700  -             - Tempered glass to be used in combination with neutral brackets.                          IDFG-4
              6     426     2020    1850         DDFC-6  19105691  -  DDFC-R-6 19105696  -  DDFCT-R-6 19105701  -

           Neutral brackets for frontal protection glasses                                                                      MODEL                      CODE               DIMENSIONS              CAPACITY               €
                                                                                                                                                                                                        GN 1/1
           - Specially designed as a protective element in show-cookings or self-service                                        IDFG-2                  19043312             675x395x6                  2                    -
           - IDFG frontal protection glass is not included and has to be ordered                                                IDFG-3                  19043314             1000x395x6                 3                    -
            separately.                                                                                                         IDFG-4                  19043315             1325x395x6                 4                    -
                                                                                  ISPCF-L-R      ISPCF-C-R
                                                                                                                                IDFG-5                  19043316             1650x395x6                 5                    -
           MODEL        BRACKET   CODE         DIMENSIONS  DESCRIPTION                              €
                                                 (mm)                                                                           IDFG-6                  19047848             1975x395x6                 6                    -
           ISPCF-L-R            19043361      69x72x423    Set of two (2) side brackets.            -
           ISPCF-C-R            19043362      98x70x423    One (1) central bracket.                 -

                                                           389                                                                                                                    390
   1095   1096   1097   1098   1099   1100   1101   1102   1103   1104   1105