Page 960 - A.J. Kitchen & Service
P. 960
Fagor Professional Foodservice | Cooking
Fixed rectangular boiling pans MODEL CODE POWER CAPACITY DIMENSIONS €
Directly heated gas
MRG-300 19001273 39 300 1200x1270x900 -
MRG-500 19001418 55 500 1300x1400x1000 -
Directly pressure heated gas
MRG-300 A 19003031 39 300 1200x1270x900 -
MRG-500 A 19001419 55 500 1300x1400x1000 -
Indirectly heated gas
MRIG-200 19003091 39 200 1000x1150x850 -
MRIG-300 19001421 48 300 1200x1270x900 -
MRIG-500 19001272 55 500 1300x1400x1000 -
Indirectly pressure heated gas
MRIG-200 A 19001420 39 200 1000x1150x850 -
MRIG-300 A 19003045 48 300 1200x1270x900 -
MRIG-500 A 19001422 55 500 1300x1400x1000 -
Indirectly heated electric
MRIE-200 19001414 24 200 1000x1150x850 -
MRIE-300 19003082 36 300 1200x1270x900 -
MRIE-500 19001416 48 500 1300x1400x1000 -
Indirectly pressure heated electric
MRIE-200 A 19001274 24 200 1000x1150x850 -
MRIE-300 A 19001415 36 300 1200x1270x900 -
General Characteristics MRIE-500 A 19001275 48 500 1300x1400x1000 -
- Rectangular boiling pan with a cylindrical . Autoclave version: silicone rubber joint - Safety thermostat which ensures that the Indirectly heated steam
well. Can be assembled on its own or with restraint, clamps to hermetically seal the machine does not operate in the event of MRIV-200 19001424 - 200 1000x1150x850 -
other machines. Thanks to its rigidity and cover. Safety valve set to 0.05 bar. overheating or insufficient water.
functionality, it is suitable for prolonged - Stainless steel supporting structure with a - Water control in the double wall with MRIV-300 19003087 - 300 1200x1270x900 -
and continuous use. thickness of 30/10 fitted on steel feet with maximum/minimum taps and an MRIV-500 19001426 - 500 1300x1400x1000 -
- Cooking well with an AISI-316 stainless an adjustable height. automatic water load option. Indirectly pressure heated steam
steel bottom with a thickness of between - AISI-304 satin stainless steel external - Standard operating voltage of 400V-3N-
20/10 and 40/10, and AISI-304 stainless walls with a thickness of 10/10. 50Hz MRIV-200 A 19003089 - 200 1000x1150x850 -
steel walls with thicknesses of between MRIV-300 A 19001425 - 300 1200x1270x900 -
20/10 and 25/10. - AISI-304 stainless steel satin shelf with a INDIRECT STEAM: MRIV-500 A 19003090 - 500 1300x1400x1000 -
thickness of 15/10.
- Tank drainage hole with a removable filter. - Heating: - Heated by steam (from the user’s
connection) through a valve that allows
- Front drainage tap with insulated athermic GAS: steam to be added gradually into the liner.
handle. - Indirect heating equipment: pressure Options Accesories
- AISI-304 stainless steel cover with a - High-performance stainless-steel tubular control in the double wall through a safety MODEL CODE DESCRIPTION € MODEL CODE DESCRIPTION
thickness of 15/10, fitted with a chromed burners. valve set to 0.5 bar, a manual depression €
steel zip with preloading springs and an - Manual piezoelectric ignition and pilot valve and a gauge.
athermic handle. flame. GF-M 19084528 Drainage tap with 2” AISI-316 - CM-2200 19084524 Kit 2 1/2 baskets for -
clamp connection
200-litre boiling pan
- Gauge for controlling pressure inside the - Smoke extraction grille.
double wall. - Tap with safety valve and thermocouples VM-M 19084529 2.5” AISI-304 butterfly valve - CM-2300 19084525 Kit 2 1/2 baskets for -
300-litre boiling pan
- Manual air escape valve for depressurising (direct version).
the air produced in the double wall during INDIRECT ELECTRIC: TD-M 19084539 Flexible tube with shower - Kit 4 1/4 baskets for
the heating process. - Heated by heating elements immersed in CM-4300 19084526 300-litre boiling pan -
- 2 versions: Incoloy alloy with adjustable power via an Device for automatic Kit 4 1/4 baskets for
. Normal version: spring and weight safety energy variator. DA-M 19084530 drainage of air from double - CM-4500 19084527 500-litre boiling pan -
valve (depending on the capacity of the
machine) set to 0.5 bar. * CENA-M 19084531 Electronic control of water -
load in double wall
Electronic control of water
CECA-M 19084532 load in the well with display -
and volumetric probe
* Highly recomended
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